Order Classes
This page describes the Order Classes setting in the Sales Orders module.
The Order Class is a means of analysing Orders for reporting or prioritising. When you enter an Order, you can assign it to an Order Class. This Class will be visible in the 'Orders: Browse' window. It will also be printed in the Outstanding Orders report (previously known as the Order Stock report).
If you want to ensure every Order is assigned to an Order Class, select the Require Order Class option in the Order Settings setting.
If you are using the Transfer Quotation Class to Order option in the Order Settings setting, you should ensure your Quotation Classes also exist as Order Classes. Otherwise you will not be able to save changes that you make to Orders that you created from Quotations.
To open the Order Classes setting, first ensure you are in the Sales Orders module. Then, if you are using Windows or Mac OS X, click the [Settings] button in the Navigation Centre or use the Ctrl-S/⌘-S keyboard shortcuts and then double-click 'Order Classes' in the 'Settings' list. If you are using iOS or Android, select 'Settings' from the Tools menu (with 'wrench' icon) and tap 'Order Classes' in the 'Settings' list. The 'Order Classes: Browse' window will open, listing the Order Classes that you have previously entered.
To enter a new Order Class, select 'New' from the Create menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or the + menu (iOS/Android) in the Button Bar. The 'Order Class: New' window appears. Enter details as described below the illustration and click [Save] (Windows/Mac OS X) or tap √ (iOS/Android) to save the new record.


- Code
- The unique code that identifies each Order Class. It can consist of up to five alphanumeric characters.
- Comment
- Assign a descriptive name to the Order Class. This will be shown in the 'Order Classes: Browse' window and the 'Paste Special' list, so it should be descriptive enough to make the selection of the correct Order Class easy for all users.
- The TREO option will be used in Kenya and other East African countries. If a manufacturing company receives a Sales Order from an export Customer, then any components purchased for manufacturing the Items on the Sales Order will be exempt from tax and customs duties. Such a Sales Order must be marked with a Control Code supplied by the tax authority and with the expiry date of that Control Code. This Control Code will be copied to all Deliveries and Invoices resulting from the Order. It can be helpful for reporting purposes if you assign TREO Orders to a dedicated Order Class. Selecting the TREO option in that Order Class will make it mandatory to enter a tax authority Control Code in every Order belonging to that Class.
Activity Card

- Activity from Order
- Use these options to specify whether you would like Activities to be created automatically when you save Orders belonging to the Order Class for the first time.
- The Task Type of these Activities will be To Do, and the Symbol will be Other. The Start Date will be the Order Date. The Activity Type will be taken from the field below or, if that is blank, from the Activity Types, Subsystems setting in the CRM module.
- The Person in the new Activities will be chosen as follows:
- Use Salesman From Order
- If you select this option, the Salesman in the originating Order will be copied to the Persons field in the new Activity.
- Use Salesman:
- Choose this option if you need the new Activities to be created in the name of a particular Person. Enter the Person's Signature in the field next to this option, using 'Paste Special' if necessary.
If an Order does not belong to an Order Class, you can still have an Activity created automatically when you save the Order for the first time. Select the Generate Activities option for Sales Orders in the Activity Types, Subsystems setting.
- Activity Type
- Paste Special
setting, CRM module
- You can create Activities from Orders using three methods:
- As described above, an Activity can be created automatically from an Order when you save the Order for the first time.
- At any time, highlight an Order in the 'Orders: Browse' window and select 'Activity' from the Create menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or + menu (iOS/Android).
- At any time, open an Order in a record window and select 'Workflow Activity' from the Create or + menu.
Specify here the Activity Type that is to be used in Activities created using all of these methods.
- If you leave this field empty or you create an Activity from an Order that doesn't belong to an Order Class, the Activity Type will be taken from the Activity Types, Subsystems setting.
Accounts Card

- Debtors A/C
- Paste Special
Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- Use this field if you need a dedicated Debtor Account to be used in Down Payment Invoices created from Orders belonging to the Order Class.
- If you leave this field empty or an Order does not belong to an Order Class, the usual Debtor Account will be used (taken from the Customer Category or the Account Usage S/L setting).
- Deposits A/C
- Paste Special
Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- Use this field if you need a dedicated Sales Account to be used in Down Payment Invoices created from Orders belonging to the Order Class. This Account will be credited with the value of each Down Payment excluding VAT or tax.
- If you leave this field empty, the Sales Account will be chosen as follows:
- The Sales Account in the Item specified in the Down Payments setting will be used.
- If no Sales Account has been specified in that Item, the Sales Account in the Item Group to which that Item belongs will be used.
- If this is blank, or if you have not specified an Item in the Down Payments setting, the Sales Account specified on the 'Sales' card of the Account Usage S/L setting in the Sales Ledger will be used.
Note that you can only specify a single Deposits Account in an Order Class, while you can specify separate Accounts for each VAT Zone in the Item and Item Group and in the Account Usage S/L setting.
Settings in the Sales Orders module:
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