Activity Consequences - Other Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Other' card of the Activity Consequence record. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

- Generate Service Order
- Use this option if you would like Service Orders to be created from Activities with a particular Activity Type/Result combination. In order for a Service Order to be created from an Activity, you must have entered a Serial Number and an Item on the 'Service' card of that Activity.
- The Customer details will be copied from the Activity to the new Service Order, and the Item details from the 'Service' card of the Activity will be copied to the first Service Order row. The Text from the Activity header and the first three lines of text on the 'Text' card will be copied to the 'Comment' card of the Service Order. The Service Order Number will be copied back to the Activity. The Activity and the Service Order will be connected to each other through the Workflow Manager and Link Manager.
- The Service Order will be created even if no follow-up Activity is needed (i.e. if you do not specify an Activity Type on the 'Activities' card).
- Require Serial No. on Activity
- Select this option if you need a Serial Number to specified in every Activity that has a particular Activity Type/Result combination. You will not be able to save such an Activity if you have not specified a Serial Number, even if you have not yet marked the Activity as Done.
- You will usually need to select this option if you are also using the Generate Service Order option described above (because a Service Order will not be created from an Activity if you forget to specify a Serial Number), but it will be active if you are not using the Generate Service Order option.
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