Entering a Quotation - Price List Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Price List' card of the Quotation record. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

- Price List
- Paste Special
Price List register, Pricing module
- Specify here the Price List that will determine the prices in the Quotation.
- If you change the Price List after adding Items to the Quotation, the prices of those Items will be updated automatically and immediately. At any time, you can also use the 'Update Currency Price List Items' function on the Operations menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or Tools menu (iOS/Android) to update all prices in the Quotation.
- When you create a new Quotation and specify a Customer, the Price List will be chosen as follows:
- It will be brought in from the 'Pricing' card of the Customer's Contact record.
- If the Customer doesn't have a Price List, the Price List for the Customer Category to which the Customer belongs will be used.
- If this is blank, or the Customer does not belong to a Category, the Price List will be taken from the Sales Pay Term record allocated to the Customer. Note that if you change the Payment Term in a Quotation, the Price List in that Quotation will be changed if a Price List has been specified in the new Payment Term.
If you are using dated Price Lists, a Price List chosen as specified above may be replaced by one that is valid on the Quotation Date. Dated Price Lists are described here, with an example here.
- If the Price List specified is one that is Inclusive of VAT, the Unit Prices and Sums in each Quotation row will include VAT.
- When you add a row to the Quotation and specify an Item, the Unit Price will be chosen as follows, assuming the Type of the Price List is "Discount":
- It will be taken from the Price record with the relevant Item/Price List/Customer combination.
- It will be taken from the Price record with the relevant Item/Price List combination where the Customer field is empty.
- The Base Price from the Item record will be used.
If the Type of the Price List is "Qty Dep Values", the Unit Price will be chosen as follows: - The Unit Price will be taken from the Quantity Dependent Price record with the relevant Item/Price List combination.
- The Base Price from the Item record will be used.
- You can prevent certain users from changing the Price List in Quotations, Orders and Invoices using Access Groups, by denying them access to the 'Change Prices' Action.
- Discount Matrix
- Default taken from
Contact record for the Customer or Customer Category
- If there is a Discount Matrix applying to a Quotation, it will be shown here. You cannot change this field. You can use Discount Matrices to administer quantity discounts: please refer here for more details.
- If you change the Discount Matrix after adding Items to the Quotation, the discounts and sums for those Items will be updated automatically and immediately.
- If the Discount Matrix is one that calculates quantity discounts based on Item Group quantities rather than Item quantities, the calculated discount for an Item may become incorrect if you specify another Item belonging to the same Item Group in a later row in the Quotation. To cater for this, be sure to select 'Recalculate Discount' from the Operations menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or Tools menu (iOS/Android) when the Quotation is complete. This will recalculate the discount percentage for each Item in the Invoice.
- Invoice To
- Paste Special
Customers in Contact register
- Default taken from Contact record for the Customer (Invoice To)
- If the invoice that will eventually result from a Quotation is to be sent to another company, such as a leasing company or a parent company, enter the Customer Number for that company here. That company must have their own Customer record in the Contact register. The default is taken from the Invoice To field on the 'Terms' card of the Contact record for the Customer specified in the Quotation header.
- When you create an Invoice from the Quotation (either directly or with an Order as an intermediate step), the Customer in that Invoice will be the leasing or parent company specified in this field. The Quotation Customer will be copied to the Original Customer field in the Invoice.
- Original Customer
- Paste Special
Customers in Contact register
- This field provides an alternative to the Invoice To field immediately above, to be used in the situation when the Customer who will eventually place the Order is one for whom Invoices are to be sent to a third party such as a leasing company or a parent company.
- You can use the Invoice To field when the Quotation and Order are to be in the name of the Customer, and you will send the Invoice to the third party. You can use this field when the Quotation is also to be in the name of the third party.
- To use this field, specify the ordering Customer here and the leasing or parent company in the Customer field in the header. When you create an Order from the Quotation and an Invoice from that Order, this Original Customer will be copied to the Customer field in the header of the Order and from there to the Original Customer field on the Price List' card of the Invoice. The Customer from the Quotation header will be copied to the Invoice To field on the 'Price List' card of the Order and from there to the Customer field in the header of the Invoice.
- The Customer and the Original Customer must both have the same Sales Currency.
- Comment
- Default taken from
Contact record for the Customer (Order Comment)
- Record here any comment about the Quotation.
- If you create a Project from a Quotation, the first line of this Comment will be used as the Description in the new Project. It will also be used as the Text in any Activities that you create from the Quotation.
- Sales Group
- Paste Special
Sales Groups setting, System module
- Default taken from Salesman
- The Sales Group will be brought in from the Person record after you have entered a Salesman (on the 'Terms' card). If you are using the Limited Access feature, you can use this field to prevent a user from seeing every Quotation in the 'Quotations: Browse' window by restricting their view to their own Quotations or to those of their Sales Group.
- Please click here for full details about the Limited Access feature.
- Language
- Paste Special
Languages setting, System module
- Default taken from Contact record for the Customer
- The Language determines the Item Descriptions that will be shown on the 'Items' card, and the text for the Payment Term, Delivery Term and Delivery Mode that will be printed on forms. Leave the field blank to use your home Language.
- You can also use the Language to determine the Form Template that will be used when you print the Quotation, and the printer that will be used to print it. This can include sending the form to a fax machine, if your hardware can support this feature. Do this in the 'Form Definition' window for the Quotation form, as described here. You can change the Language before printing the Quotation, to ensure it is printed on the correct printer or fax machine.
- Serv. Ord. No.
- In a Quotation that you created from a Service Order, the Service Order Number will be shown in this field. The Quotation and the Service Order will also be connected through the Link Manager.
- Creating a Quotation from a Service Order can be useful if you need to quote the Customer for the cost of a repair. If the Customer accepts the Quotation, you can create a Work Sheet from the Quotation by selecting 'Work Sheet' from the Create menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or + menu (iOS/Android). You will not be able to create a Work Sheet from a Quotation if its Serv. Ord. No. field is empty.
The Quotation register in Standard ERP:
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