Entering an Opportunity - Del. Terms Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Del. Terms' card of the Opportunity record. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

- Delivery Terms
- Paste Special
Delivery Terms setting, Sales/Purchase Orders module
- Default taken from Contact record for the Lead or Customer (Sales Del. Terms)
- Specify the Delivery Terms for the Opportunity here. You will tend to use this field for international Customers: examples might be Cost, Insurance, Freight or Free On Board.
- Delivery Mode
- Paste Special
Delivery Modes setting, Sales Orders module
- Default taken from Contact record for the Lead or Customer (Sales Del. Mode)
- Enter the mode of shipping used for the Opportunity. Examples might be Post or Courier, or might specify the name of the courier that you will eventually use to supply the goods on the Opportunity.
- Route
- Paste Special
Routes setting, Stock module
- You will tend to use the Route field if you have a fleet of delivery vehicles, each of which repeats the same journey or "Route" every day.
- The Route in an Opportunity will be updated if you change the Lead or Customer, the Location (immediately below) or the Address Code (i.e. Delivery Address, on the 'Del. Address' card), as follows:
- The Route will be taken from the record in the Routes/Locations setting in the Stock module for the Location/Customer/Delivery Address combination.
- If there is no Address Code in the Opportunity, the Route will be taken from the record in the Routes/Locations setting for the Location/Customer combination in which the Delivery Address is blank. If there is no such record, the Route will be taken from the first Routes/Locations record for the Location/Customer combination, sorted by Delivery Address.
- In all other circumstances (e.g. there is an Address Code in the Opportunity but there is no record in the Routes/Locations setting for the Location/Customer/Delivery Address combination), the Route will be taken from the Contact record for the Lead or Customer (Route field on the 'Delivery' card).
- From here, the Route will be copied to any Orders that you create from the Opportunity. The Routes of Orders will be used by the Sorted Order List report in the Sales Orders module. This is a list in Route order of Orders with a particular Planned Delivery Date. You can use this report as an aid for delivery drivers.
- From an Order, the Route will be copied to the resulting Deliveries. The Routes of Deliveries will be used by the Trip Sheet report in the Stock module. This is a list of the Deliveries on a particular Route that can be made on a specified date or during a specified period.
- Location
- Paste Special
Locations setting, Stock module
- Used as default in Orders, Deliveries
- If you know that the stock that will eventually be used to satisfy the Opportunity will be taken from a particular Location, specify that Location here.
- If you have specified a Main Location in the Stock Settings setting, leaving this field blank means that stock from the Main Location will be used. Note, however, that the Require Location option in the same setting has no power over this field. If you are using this option, you will not have to enter a Location here, but you will have to specify one in any Deliveries eventually resulting from the Opportunity.
- A default Location can be brought in from the 'Sales' card of the current user's Person record or from the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module. The Local Machine setting is specific to the client machine you are working on. You can also prevent the current user from using a particular Location, using the Order Reserv. Access field in their Person record. If the current user specifies a Location that they should not use, the message "You are not allowed to withdraw any items from this location." will appear when they try to save the Opportunity. Please refer here for more details about this feature.
- If the 'Item Status' window is open, the quantities it shows will refer to the Location specified here. If you have not specified a Location, the quantities will refer to all Locations. This will be the case even if you have specified a Main Location in the Stock Settings setting.
- Branch
- Default taken from Local Machine setting, User Settings module
- If your company has several Branches (e.g. several shops), you can specify the Branch where each client machine is located in the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module. You should do this individually on each client machine. When you create an Opportunity, the Branch where the client machine is located will be recorded here and usually cannot be changed.
- If you have entered a record in the Contact register for the Branch, Sales Tags/Objects in that Contact record will be copied to the Tags/Objects field on the 'Terms' card of the Opportunity.
- If you are using Tax Templates instead of VAT Codes to determine the rate at which VAT or sales tax will be charged, a Tax Template Code representing the Branch may be copied to the T-Cd field in each row in the matrix. Please refer here for more details.
- Total Quantity
- This field shows the total number of Items on the Opportunity and will be updated automatically each time you save the Opportunity.
- Total Weight
- Default taken from
- This field displays the total weight of the Items on the Opportunity, calculated from the Quantity quoted and the Weight of each Item. It will be updated automatically each time you save the Opportunity.
- Total Volume
- Default taken from
- This field displays the total volume of the Items on the Opportunity, calculated from the Quantity quoted and the Volume of each Item. It will be updated automatically each time you save the Opportunity.
- Freight
- Enter an ad hoc freight amount in this field if applicable.
- The Freight value and any VAT will not be included in the Opportunity totals.
- Planned Delivery
- Paste Special
Choose date
- The date when the Lead or Customer requires the Items on the Opportunity to be delivered. Enter this date using the format specified in the Planned Delivery setting in the Sales Orders module. Available options are Free Text, Date, Week Number or Year and Week (four characters).
- You should use this field when you need to deliver on a particular fixed date. If you need to deliver a certain number of days after the Order Date (an unknown date when issuing the Opportunity), use the Days to Delivery field (below).
- Days to Delivery
- You can use this field to schedule a Delivery from any Order that you create from the Opportunity. If you leave the Planned Delivery field in an Opportunity (above) blank and specify a number of days in this field, the Planned Delivery date in the Order will be calculated by adding that number of days to the Order Date.
- To use this feature, you must have specified in the Planned Delivery setting (in the Sales Orders module) that the Planned Delivery date field uses the Date format.
The Opportunity register in Standard ERP:
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