Entering an Opportunity - Del. Address Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Del. Address' card of the Opportunity record. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

- Address Code
- Paste Special
Delivery Addresses setting, Sales Orders module
- If a Lead or Customer has several Delivery Addresses (e.g. it has several branches), you can list them in the Delivery Addresses setting in the Sales Orders module. Select the correct one for a particular Opportunity using the 'Paste Special' function. The full Delivery Address will be brought in to the fields below. Usually, only Delivery Addresses for the specified Lead or Customer and those with no Customer specified will be included in the 'Paste Special' list. If you would like the 'Paste Special' list to contain all Delivery Addresses, select the Paste All Delivery Addresses option in the Order Settings setting in the Sales Orders module.
- If you choose a Delivery Address in which you have specified a Region and./or a VAT Code or Tax Template, they will be brought into the Opportunity. Any taxes already in the Opportunity will be recalculated. This can be useful for international sales.
- Delivery Address
- Default taken from
Delivery Address, or Contact record for the Lead or Customer
- Enter the Delivery Address here, if different from the Invoice Address or the usual Delivery Address shown on the 'Delivery' card of the Lead or Customer's record in the Contact register.
- Country
- Paste Special
Countries setting, System module
- Default taken from Delivery Address, or Contact record for the Lead or Customer (Country on 'Delivery' card)
- The Country where the Delivery Address is located will be brought in from the Delivery Address specified in the Address Code field above or from the 'Delivery' card of the Lead or Customer's record in the Contact register.
The Opportunity register in Standard ERP:
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