Entering a Contact - Pricing Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Pricing' card of the Contact record. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

- Sales Currency
- Paste Special
Currency register, System module
- Used as default in Quotations, Sales Orders, Sales Invoices
- Purch. Currency
- Paste Special
Currency register, System module
- Used as default in Purchase Orders, Purchase Invoices, Goods Receipts
- Use these two fields to specify the Currencies that are to be used when selling to and buying from a Contact.
- When you enter a sales transaction, the Customer's Sales Currency will be brought in to that transaction automatically. If the Customer's Sales Currency is not your home Currency, prices of Items will be converted to the Sales Currency automatically using the latest Exchange Rates as you add them to the transaction.
- When you enter a Purchase Order manually, the Supplier's Purch. Currency will be brought in automatically. If the Supplier's Purch. Currency is not your home Currency, prices of Items will be converted to the Purch. Currency automatically using the agreed Exchange Rate. When you create Purchase Orders using the automated 'Create Purchase Orders' function, the Purch. Currency specified here and the latest Exchange Rate will be used. The Supplier's Purch. Currency will also be brought in automatically to Purchase Invoices.
- If you specify a Sales Currency for a Contact, you will not be able to use any other Currency in sales transactions with that Contact. Similarly, if you specify a Purch. Currency, you will not be able to use any other Currency in purchase transactions. If you need to be able to use more than one Currency with a particular Contact, leave these fields blank. The Default Base Currency that you have specified in the Base Currency setting in the System module will then be used in their transactions, but you will be able to change to any other Currency if necessary.
- Once you have specified a Sales Currency and have used the Contact in a sales transaction of any kind, you should not change the Sales Currency. Similarly, you should not change the Purch. Currency once you have used the Contact in a purchasing transaction.
- Price List
- Paste Special
Price List register, Pricing module
- Default taken from Countries setting, System module
- Used as default in Quotations, Sales Orders, Sales Invoices
- If a Contact is a Customer and you wish to assign a particular Price List to them, you can do so here. This Price List will determine the default prices in all sales transactions made out to the Customer.
- You can also assign Price Lists to Customer Categories. This makes it easy to allocate or change the Price List of a group of Customers in a single step. Any Price List specified for a Customer will override the one in the Customer Category (if any) to which the Customer belongs.
- If you use Loyalty Cards, you can assign a Price List to each Loyalty Card Membership Level. This will allow you to charge different prices depending on the level of the Loyalty Card that a Customer holds.
- Please refer to the Price List page for full details about Price Lists. If you need to use dated Price Lists, please refer also to the section below describing the Price Based On options.
- Discount Matrix
- Paste Special
Discount Matrix register, Pricing module
- Default taken from Countries setting, System module
- Used as default in Quotations, Sales Orders, Sales Invoices
- If a Contact is a Customer and you wish to assign a particular Discount Matrix to them, you can do so here. Discount Matrices allow you to set up quantity discount structures (i.e. to offer discounts based on the quantity, weight, volume or value sold). When you enter a sales transaction made out to the Customer, the Discount Matrix entered here will determine the default percentage discount for each Item, depending on the quantity, weight, volume or value in the sales transaction.
- You can also assign Discount Matrices to Customer Categories. This makes it easy to allocate or change the Discount Matrix of a group of Customers in a single step. Any Discount Matrix specified for a Customer will override the one in the Customer Category (if any) to which the Customer belongs.
- If you use Loyalty Cards, you can assign a Discount Matrix to each Loyalty Card Membership Level. This will allow you to offer different discounts depending on the level of the Loyalty Card that a Customer holds.
- Please refer to the Quantity Discounts page for full details about Discount Matrices. If you need to use dated Discount Matrices, please refer also to the section below describing the Price Based On options.
- Supp. Disc. Matrix
- Paste Special
Discount Matrix register, Pricing module
- Used as default in Purchase Quotation Requests, Purchase Orders
- If a Contact is a Supplier and they have assigned a Discount Matrix to your company, you can specify that Discount Matrix here. Discount Matrices allow you to set up quantity discount structures (i.e. to take advantage of discounts based on the quantity, weight, volume or value purchased). When you enter a Purchase Quotation Request or a Purchase Order in the name of the Supplier, the Discount Matrix entered here will determine the default percentage discount for each Item, depending on the quantity, weight, volume or value in the transaction.
- Salesman
- Paste Special
Person register, System module and Global User register, Technics module
- Used as default in Quotations, Sales Orders, Sales Invoices, Purchase Invoices
- Enter the Signature of the salesman responsible for the Contact's account. When you enter any transaction (e.g. a Sales or Purchase Order or a Sales or Purchase Invoice) in the name of the Contact, this Signature will be brought in to the Salesman field in that transaction as a default .
- This field is also used by the Limited Access module: please refer to the description of the Sales Group field (below) for details.
- If you would like the current user's Signature to be placed in this field in each new Contact record, select the Set Current User as Default Salesman option in the Contact Settings setting. If the current user belongs to a Sales Group, that Sales Group will be brought in to the field below as well.
- Sales Group
- Paste Special
Sales Groups setting, System module
- Default taken from Salesman
- When you specify a Salesman in the field above, the Sales Group will be brought in to this field from their Person record. If you have the Limited Access module, you can use this field to prevent a user from seeing all Contacts in the 'Contacts: Browse' and Contact 'Paste Special' windows by restricting their view to their own Contacts or to those of their Sales Group.
- Please refer to the page describing the Person register for full details about the Limited Access module.
- Default Items
- Paste Special
Default Items setting, Sales Ledger
- The Default Items setting allows you to define sets of Items that will always be added to Sales Invoices issued to certain Customers. If a Contact is a Customer, specify here if necessary the Default Item record that contains the set of Items that are always to be added to their Invoices. When you enter an Invoice, the default Items will be added when you enter the Customer Number. They will also be added to Sales Invoices created from Orders (although they will not appear in the Orders themselves or in Deliveries) and to those created in batches using the 'Group Invoicing' Maintenance function in the Sales Orders module. They will not appear in Interest Invoices.
- Price Based On
- If you are using dated Price Lists and/or Discount Matrices, the date that determines which Price List and Discount Matrix will be used in a Sales Order can be the Order Date, the Planned Delivery Date or the Despatch Date. Specify here which option is to be used for the Contact, if it is a Customer.
- If you choose the Planned Delivery Date option, the standard Price List and Discount Matrix will be used if the Planned Delivery Date in the Sales Order is blank or in the wrong format. The Planned Delivery Date field must use the Date format, which you should set using the Planned Delivery setting in the Sales Orders module.
- If you choose the Despatch Date option, the standard Price List and Discount Matrix will be used if the Despatch Date in the Sales Order is blank. The standard Price List and Discount Matrix are those specified for the Customer in the fields above, or those in the Customer Category.
- When you enter Invoices directly to the Invoice register, Price List and Discount Matrix selection will always depend on the Invoice Date. Similarly, when you enter Quotations, Price List and Discount Matrix selection will always depend on the Quotation Date, and in Purchase Orders, Discount Matrix selection will depend on the Order Date.
- Dated Price Lists are described here, with an example here. Dated Discount Matrices are described here, with an example here.
The Contact register in Standard ERP:
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