Entering a Contact - Personal Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Personal' card of the Contact record. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

The 'Personal' card allows you to record various pieces of personal information about a Contact that is a Guest that you have entered using the Hotel module.
- Doc. Type
- Paste Special
Contact Document Types setting, Sales Ledger
- You can use the Doc. Type field for one of two purposes, as follows:
- If a Contact is a Hotel Guest, use the Doc. Type field to record the type of ID document that the Guest shows when they check in. Example values might be "passport" or "driving licence".
- In Argentina, if a Contact is a Customer or a Supplier, the Doc. Type field should contain a code representing the type of ID document that the Contact has. For example, if the Contact is registered with the tax authority as a company, the type of the ID document will usually be "80", but if the Contact is a private individual, it might be "86" or "96". This code will be used in e-invoicing and tax exports.
The Contact register in Standard ERP:
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