Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Nominal Ledger >> Account Register Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 8.4 Entering, Inspecting and Changing Accounts - Texts Card This page describes the 'Texts' card of the Account record. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:--- You can use the table on the 'Texts' card to enter various translations of the Account Name. Specify a Language in the first column using 'Paste Special' if necessary, and the appropriate translation in the second column. There is no need to enter a row for your home Language. When you print the Analytical Balance, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss and Trial Balance reports, you can specify the Language that you want to be used. The appropriate translations of the Account Names will be taken from here. If you do not specify a Language when printing these reports, the Account Names from the header will be used. However, you can specify a Language in the Company Info setting in the System module. If you do so, if you print these reports without specifying a Language and if you are using the Account Description in Company Language option in the Transaction Settings setting in the Nominal Ledger, then the appropriate translation for the Company Info Language will be printed in the reports. Translations of the report headings and sub-headings (in the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss report only) will be taken from the report definitions, as described on the Balance Sheet Definition page. When you use the Account in a Purchase Invoice with a Language on the 'Comment' card, the appropriate translation of the Account Name will be brought in to the Description field in the relevant row. If a Purchase Invoice does not have a Language but you are using the Account Description in Company Language option, then the appropriate translation of the Account Name for the Company Info Language will be brought in. If you use the Account in a Transaction row, the Account Name will usually be brought in to the Description field in that row. However, if you are using the Account Description in Company Language option, the appropriate translation of the Account Name for the Company Info Language will be brought in. This applies both when you create the Transaction yourself by entering it to the Transaction register and when you create it by marking a Sub System record as OK and saving. The Account register in Standard ERP: