Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Nominal Ledger >> Account Register Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 8.4 Deleting an Account You can delete an Account from the Chart of Accounts, as long as you have not used it in any Transactions. Follow these steps:
When you use the 'Delete' command, you will usually not be asked if you are sure you want to go ahead with the deletion. If you would like such a warning to appear, select the Prompt When Deleting option in the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module. In a client-server system, you will need to choose this option separately on each client machine. You can prevent certain users from deleting records using Access Groups (by denying access to the 'Delete Records' and/or 'Deleting Records from Shared Registers' Actions). You cannot delete an Account if you have used it in a Transaction. If you want to prevent such an Account from being used in the future, open it in a record window and tick the Closed box. The Account register in Standard ERP: