Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Multi-Currency >> Entering Transactions in Currency Previous Next Entire Chapter in Printable Form Search This text refers to program version 8.4 Using Currencies in Invoices and Other Sub System Transactions - Exchange Rates using the Dual-Base System Using the Invoice as an example, this page describes Exchange Rates and the Dual-Base conversion system in Sub System Transactions.--- When you create a new Invoice and specify a Customer, the Currency and all conversion rate fields will immediately be filled automatically. The Currency will be visible in the footer of the Invoice, and will be chosen as follows:
The fields on the right show the exchange rate between the foreign Currency and Base Currency 1, taken from the record in the Exchange Rate register applying on the Invoice Date. Here, JPY 147.62190 buys GBP 1.00. These fields will only be used if the Currency of the Invoice is not Base Currency 1 or 2. As the Exchange Rate relates the foreign Currency to Base Currency 1, prices in the Invoice will be calculated by applying the exchange rate ratio to each Item's normal price (chosen as described here and subsequent pages). In this example, an Item's normal price will be multiplied by 147.62190. As with the simple conversion system, no conversion or recalculation will occur if you have assigned a Price List to an Invoice, and the Price List and Invoice are in the same Currency. The fields on the left show in the form of a ratio the exchange rate between the two Base Currencies (taken from the Base Currency Rates setting). These fields will be used in every Invoice. When an Invoice is posted to the Nominal Ledger, every posting in the resulting Nominal Ledger Transaction will contain values in both Base Currencies. This exchange rate between the two Base Currencies will be used to calculate the values in Base Currency 2. In a country that is passing through the process of replacing its home Currency with the Euro, direct conversions from the home Currency to any foreign Currency except the Euro are not possible. Instead, the home Currency should first be converted to the Euro (Base Currency 2), and there should then be a second conversion to the foreign Currency. In this situation, the Exchange Rate should therefore relate the foreign Currency to Base Currency 2. In the historical example illustrated below, an Invoice has been raised in JPY. Base Currency 1 is the home Currency (EEK, Estonian Kroon) and Base Currency 2 is the Euro: You can change the conversion rates in an individual Invoice, unless you have prevented this by selecting the Prevent Base Rate Changes and/or Prevent Foreign Rate Changes options in the relevant Currency record. The Prevent Base Rate Changes option governs the fields on the left (the exchange rate between the two Base Currencies), while the Prevent Foreign Rate Changes option governs the fields on the right. --- Using Currencies in transactions of various kinds: