
Daily Allowance Rates

This page describes the Daily Allowance Rates setting in the Expenses module.


The Daily Allowance Rates setting allows you to set Daily Allowances for each country. You should enter a separate record in this setting for each country.

To open the Daily Allowance Rates setting, first ensure you are in the Expenses module. Then, if you are using Windows or Mac OS X, click the [Settings] button in the Navigation Centre or use the Ctrl-S/⌘-S keyboard shortcuts and then double-click 'Daily Allowance Rates' in the 'Settings' list. If you are using iOS or Android, select 'Settings' from the Tools menu (with 'wrench' icon) and tap 'Daily Allowance Rates' in the 'Settings' list. The 'Daily Allowance Rates: Browse' window will be displayed, showing the records that you have previously entered. Double-click (Windows/Mac OS X) or tap (iOS/Android) an item in the list to edit, or add a new record by selecting 'New' from the Create menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or + menu (iOS/Android). When the record is complete, click the [Save] button (Windows/Mac OS X) or tap √ (iOS/Android) to save it.


Paste Special    Countries setting, System module
Specify the Country for which you are entering a Daily Allowance amount.

Rate per Day
Enter the full Daily Allowance amount that can be claimed by an employee for one night spent in the Country specified above. This amount assumes that the employee will claim for three meals. If you need this amount to be reduced if only one or two meals are paid for on a particular date, use the fields on the 'Per Mail Type' or 'No. of Meals' cards described immediately below.

Note that the Currency field above is not used in the version of Standard ERP being described in this documentation. You can therefore enter a figure in any Currency in this field. For consistency, it is recommended either that you enter values in your home Currency in each Daily Allowance Rates record or that you always enter values in the Currency of the country in question.
As mentioned above, the granting of a Daily Allowance for a night away from home is usually intended to contribute to the cost of three meals. If an employee does not pay for all three meals, the value of the Daily Allowance may be reduced. The reduction can be calculated using one of two options: Rate per Type of Meal and Rate per Number of Meals. To select the option, use the Daily Allowance Settings setting. The option that you select will be used universally. Please refer here for illustrated examples of each option.

The option that you select will affect how you will specify percentage rates for each Country, to be used to calculate the reduction from the full Daily Allowance in the event that an employee does not claim for all three meals in a day. If you are using the Rate per Type of Meal option, use the 'Per Meal Type' card to specify these percentage rates. If you are using the Rate per Number of Meals option, use the 'No. of Meals' card.
In both cases, you can set defaults for each percentage in the Daily Allowance Settings setting. These defaults will be copied to each new Daily Allowance Rates record.

Per Meal Type Card
The fields on the 'Per Meal Type Card' card allow you to set fixed rates for each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner), adding up to the Rate per Day. If any of these meals are provided, the claimable allowance will be calculated by subtracting the fixed rate for the relevant meal from the Rate per Day.

Enter percentage values for each meal. If a meal is provided, the claimable allowance will be calculated by subtracting the fixed rate for the relevant meal from the Rate per Day. For example, if a breakfast was provided and you have specified here that the Breakfast Rate is 20%, the full Daily Allowance claim will be calculated by reducing the Rate per Day by 20%.

No. of Meals Card
The fields on the 'No. of Meals Card' allow you to specify that the claimable proportion of the Rate per Day will vary, depending on how many meals were provided.

Enter percentage values for each quantity of meals provided. The claimable allowance will depend on how many meals were provided. For example, if one meal was provided and you have specified here that the One Meal Rate is 30%, the full Daily Allowance claim will be calculated by reducing the Rate per Day by 30%. if two meals were provided and you have specified here that the Two Meals Rate is 65%, the full Daily Allowance claim will be calculated by reducing the Rate per Day by 65%.


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