
Daughter Companies

This page describes the Daughter Companies setting in the Consolidation module.


Use the Daughter Companies setting in the Consolidation module to list the subsidiary Companies ("Daughter" Companies) that belong to a holding Company (the "Mother" Company).

You should fill in this setting in the Mother Company. Simply list the Daughter Companies that belong to the Mother Company. If any Daughter Companies have their own Daughters, fill in this setting in those Companies as well. Leave the setting empty in Companies that do not have subsidiaries:

In the Code field, enter the Company Code of each Daughter (i.e. the Code as entered in the Code field in the Company register). If necessary, use the Since and Until fields to record the period when each Daughter was owned by the Mother.

If a Daughter Company is partially owned by the Mother, you should list that Daughter Company in this setting. Then change to that Daughter Company and use the Main Owner Percentage register to specify how much of the Company is owned by the Mother.


Settings in the Consolidation module:

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