Closing Companies
This page describes closing Companies in a multi-Company database when those Companies are no longer needed.
If you have more than one Company in your database, there may be occasions where you need to close a Company, to prevent anyone logging in and therefore to prevent further use.
If you are working from a client machine and will log in to a server, follow all the steps listed below. If you are working in a single-user database, start from step 3.
- Log in as a user with access to the Technics module. Please refer here for details about gaining access to the Technics module.
- Change to "Admin Client" mode. To do this, change to the Technics module, open the Program Mode register and choose 'Admin Client' from the Operations menu (with 'cog' icon, Windows/macOS) or Tools menu (with 'wrench' icon, iOS/Android).
If you are not in "Admin Client" mode when you close a Company, the Company will be closed in the local database on your client machine and not in the main database on the server.
Please refer here for more information about "Admin Client" mode.
- Open the Company register. You can do this using one of two methods:
- Working in any module, click (Windows/macOS) or tap (iOS/Android) the [Companies] button in the Navigation Centre. When the 'Select Company' window opens, choose 'Open Companies Setting' from the Operations or Tools menu:

- Working in the System module, click (Windows/macOS) or tap (iOS/Android) the [Registers] button in the Navigation Centre and select 'Companies' in the resulting list.
- When the 'Companies: Inspect' window opens, go to flip B and open 'Paste Special' from the Status field in the relevant row. You can close a Company by choosing "Inactive" or "Deleted":

Both options will close a Company by removing it from the 'Select Company' window. This means that it will no longer be possible to log in to the Company. The difference between "Inactive" or "Deleted" is that an Inactive Company will be included in database text back-ups, while a Deleted Company will not. This means that a Deleted Company will become an empty shell in any future database that you create by importing a text back-up. An Inactive Company should be included in the number of Companies (Multi User Non-Consolidated, Multi User Non-Consolidated or Single User as appropriate) in the Configuration setting, while a Deleted Company does not need to be included.
You can change the Status back to "Active" at any time if necessary.
You must close a Company by changing its Status: do not do so removing the row from the 'Companies: Inspect' window, especially if the Company to be closed is not the one in the last row. Some functions in Standard ERP (especially those connected with the Link Manager and Document Manager) rely on the row numbers occupied by each Company, not on each Company's Company Code. If you delete a row in the 'Companies: Inspect' window, the Companies in the lower rows will move up, so their row numbers will be reduced by one. This will cause corruptions in the Link Manager and Document Manager.
Do not close the Company that you are currently working in. Log in to another Company first. The default option in the Login Options setting in the User Settings module is to connect to the last known Company automatically. If you have closed the last known Company, you will no longer be able to connect to it. This will especially be an issue in a single-user database. In a client-server database, you will be able to correct the issue by removing the Hansa.HDB file from the folder containing the Standard ERP client application and then establishing a new connection to the server, but this is not possible with a single-user database.
- The closed Company will be removed from the 'Select Company' window immediately (in a single-user database) or the next time you log in (if you will log in to a server from a client machine):

The Company register in Standard ERP:
See also:
- Consolidation module - To be used to produce consolidated reports that include many or all Companies in a database
- Inter Company module - To be used when sending Invoices between Companies in a database
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