Company Info - Address Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Address' card of the Company Info setting. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

- Address
- Fields for Form Templates
Own Address, Own Address 2
- Enter your company's address in these fields.
- If you want to give a name to each of the individual address lines, use the 'Address' card of the User Defined Fields - Contacts setting in the CRM module.
- In Finland, enter your company's address in the first two Address fields (street in the first field, post code and town in the second field) and the Country field (on the 'Reg' card). The Country must use the two-character ISO 3166 format (i.e. "FI").
- Similarly, in Germany, Latvia and Spain, enter your company's address in the first two Address fields, and the Country using the two-character ISO 3166 format. In Poland, use the first three Address fields.
- To ensure the Address will be printed on documentation, add the "Own Address" or "Own Address 2" fields to your Form Template designs. The "Own Address" field will include the Company Name (from the header in this setting) in the address, while the "Own Address 2" field will not. So, if you need the Business Name to be printed instead of the Company Name, use the "Own Address 2" field. In both fields, the address will be printed on separate lines, so in both cases you should specify a Line Height. Use the Form Settings setting in the System module to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.
- Please refer here for more details about adding fields to Form Templates, including specifying Line Heights.
- Telephone
- Field for Form Templates
Own Telephone Number
- Enter your company's telephone number here.
- When adding the "Own Telephone Number" field to your Form Template designs, enter "N" as the Field Argument if you need the telephone number to be printed without spaces or other non-numeric characters.
- You can enter your company's email and web addresses on the 'Email' card of this setting.
- Fax
- Field for Form Templates
Own Fax Number
- Enter your company's fax number here.
- Taxonomy Type
- This set of options is used in Portugal. Choose the account classification reference (TaxonomyReference) used by your company. This information will be included in 'SAFT' export files, and will determine the account classification codes (TaxonomyCodes) that will also be included in 'SAFT' files.
Settings in the System module:
- Access Groups
- Active Users
- Auto Actions
- Bank Holidays
- Base Currency
- Base Currency Rates
- Cloud Security
- Company Date and Numeric Format
- Company Info, including:
- Configuration
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Accounts and VAT Code
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Activity Types
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Contact Classifications
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Contacts
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Currency Codes
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Items
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Locations
- Conversions - Master
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Suppliers
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Tags/Objects
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Users
- Countries
- Countries Regions
- Currency Round Off
- Days and Months
- Departments
- Discount Options
- Display Groups
- Exchange Rates Settings
- Form Settings
- Global Warnings on UnOKed Records
- Internet Enablers
- Journaling
- KPIs
- Languages
- Locking
- Locking Exceptions
- Nature of Business
- Number Series Defaults
- Opened Windows History
- Optional Features
- Password Security
- Printers
- Reporting Periods
- Round Off
- Sales Groups
- Single Functions
- Special Days
- Styles
- Sub-Ledger Control Accounts
- Task Manager Access
- User Warnings on UnOKed Records
- Values in Text
- VAT Number Masks
- Weeks
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