
Project Schedules

The Project Schedules form allows you to print Project Schedule records in batches.

You can also print an individual Project Schedule by opening the record and clicking the Printer icon (Windows/macOS) or selecting 'Print' from the File menu (all platforms). To print a Project Schedule to screen, click the Preview icon (Windows/macOS only). To attach a PDF version of a Project Schedule to a Mail, open the record and select 'Email' from the Create menu (Windows/macOS) or + menu (iOS/Android).

Paste Special    Project register, Job Costing module
Range reporting    Alpha
Enter a Project Number to print the Schedule for that Project. You can also enter a range of Project Codes separated by a colon (:).
You can use the fields listed below when you design the Form Template to be used by the Project Schedule form. If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the Cut Decimals option in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting.

Header Fields

Header fields will be printed once per Project Schedule.

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Project Schedule record)
AddressName (if you are using the Organisation name option in the Form Settings setting) and Address (from the 'Address' card). This will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.)
Customer NameName (i.e. Customer Name)
Customer NumberCustomer (i.e. Customer Number)
Date with Month In WordsDate with the month as a word. For example, 22/1/2019 will be printed as "22 January 2019". The Date Order (e.g. day, month, year) will be taken from the Company Date and Numeric Format setting
Document TypePrints the phrase "Project Schedule"
Order QuantityPrints the sum of the Quantities from each row in the related Project Budget
Project NameDescription (i.e. Project Description)
Project NumberProject
Transaction Date (transdate) Date

Project Information

The following fields print information from the record in the Project register for the Project specified in the Project Schedule:

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Project)
Contact PersonContact
End DateEnd Date
NameProject Manager 1 Name
Name 2Project Manager 2 Name
Name 3Project Manager 3 Name
Name 4Project Manager 4 Name
Name 5Project Manager 5 Name
Project ManagerProject Manager 1
Project Manager 2Project Manager 2
Project Manager 3Project Manager 3
Project Manager 4Project Manager 4
Project Manager 5Project Manager 5
Start Date (startdatum) Start Date
Textrows from ProjectText (from the 'Terms' card). This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field

Row Fields

Row fields will be printed once per row, so remember to specify a Line Height in each one and to set the Format to "Matrix".

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Project Schedule row)
Days of DurationDuration
Due DateDeadline
End Date, rowEnd Date
Hours per DayHours/Day
Project StagePhase
Project Stage NameComment
Project Stage SignSign
Responsible PersonResp.
Start DateStart Date

Please refer here for details of the standard fields that you can also include in the Form Template.


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