Approval Status
This page describes the Approval Status report in the Business Alerts module.
The Approval Status report is a list of the Approval Request Activities issued to a specified Person or Persons during the report period.
For each Activity, the report shows the register of the originating record, the serial number of the originating record (e.g. the Purchase Order Number or Invoice Number), the request date (i.e. the Start Date from the Activity), the requesting Person (i.e. the Salesman in the originating record), the Approval Person, the Approval Status and the value of the originating record.
When printed to screen, the Approval Status report has the Standard ERP Drill-down feature. Click (Windows/macOS) or tap (iOS/Android) on the serial number of an originating record to open the related Approval Request Activity.

- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- Enter a reporting period: Approval Request Activities whose Start Dates fall in this period will be shown in the report.
- Person
- Paste Special
Person register, System module and Global User register, Technics module
- Range Reporting Alpha
- Enter a Person's Signature to list the Approval Request Activities scheduled for or carried out by that Person. You can also enter a range of Signatures separated by a colon (:).
- If you have more than one Company in your database, the Person that you specify here must have a Person record in the Company in which you are working, otherwise their Activities won't be included in the report. If you leave this field empty or enter a range of employees, the report will only include Persons in the range that have Person records in the Company in which you are working. This is because the report will be constructed by looping through the records in the Person register in the current Company, and listing each Person's Activities in the same Company.
- Approval Status
- Use these options to determine the, Approval Request Activities that will be listed in the report.
- Pending
- The report will list Approval Request Activities with no Result and those with a Result but not marked as Done.
- Approved
- The report will list Approval Request Activities that have been marked as Done and where the Result is any Approved Result Activity Type specified in the Approval Rules records.
- Rejected
- The report will list Approval Request Activities that have been marked as Done and where the Result is any Rejected Result Activity Type specified in the Approval Rules records.
- Not needed
- The report will list Approval Request Activities that have been marked as Done and where the Result is any Not Needed Activity Type specified in the Approval Rules records.
- Cancelled
- The report will list Approval Request Activities that have been marked as Done and where the Result is any Cancelled Activity Type specified in the Approval Rules records.
- Forwarded
- The report will list Approval Request Activities that have been marked as Done and where the Result is any Forwarded Activity Type specified in the Approval Rules records.

Reports in the Business Alerts module:
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