Project Settings - Service Card
This page describes the 'Service' card in the Project Settings setting. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other parts of the setting:

- Service Item Cost Price
- When Project Transactions are created from Time Sheets and Activities for time i.e. Service Items, the unit Cost will be the hourly cost of the Person, taken from Cost per Hour field on the 'Job Costing' card of the Person record. If the Cost per Hour field is empty, the Cost will be taken from this field, irrespective of the Person carrying out the work. If this field is also blank, the Cost Price of the Item plus its Extra Cost will be used.
- Time Description
- If you are using the One Row Total option for Invoice Time (below), all invoiceable recorded time will be summarised together in a single Invoice row. Specify here the text that is to appear in this Invoice row.
- Invoice Times
- The Invoice Times options control how time will be shown on Invoices. They will be used when invoicing time on an "Actual" basis and on an "As Budgeted" basis.
- The Invoice Times options are to be found here and on the 'Time & Purchases' card of each Project. Here you can choose the option that you want to be selected by default in new Projects, but you will be able to change the default in an individual Project. Remember that Items representing time are entered to the Item register as Service Items.
- The options are:
- One Row Total
- Project Invoices will include a single row for the total value of the time spent working on a Project. The text for this row will be taken from the Time Description field above.
- For example, if time is to be invoiced on an "Actual" basis, the value of the single row will be the total value of the Project Transactions for time (i.e. for Service Items). If time is to be invoiced on an "As Budgeted" basis, the value of the single row will be the total value of the Project Budget rows with Service Items.
- The single row will not have an Item Number, so you will need to select the Allow Sales without Item option in the Invoice Settings setting in the Sales Ledger.
- The single row will have no Tags/Objects.
- By Groups
- Project Invoices will include separate rows for each Item Group used when working on a Project. The names of the Item Groups will be used as the text in these rows.
- The value of each row will be the total value of the Project Transactions or Project Budget rows that have Service Items belonging to the relevant Item Group.
- The rows representing each Item Group will not have Item Numbers, so again you will need to select the Allow Sales without Item option in the Invoice Settings setting in the Sales Ledger.
- There will be no Tags/Objects in the rows representing each Item Group.
- By Items
- Project Invoices will include separate rows for each Service Item used when working on a Project, with the Item Name as text.
- The value of each row will be the total value of the Project Transactions or Project Budget rows with the relevant Item.
- The Tags/Objects on flip B of each Invoice row will be taken from the relevant Item records.
- By Transactions
- Project Invoices will itemise the time spent.
- If time is being invoiced on an "Actual" basis, Invoices will include separate rows for each Project Transaction. The text in an Invoice row will include the Item Name and the Comment from the relevant Project Transaction. The Tags/Objects in each Invoice row will be taken from the Item and Person records.
- If time is being invoiced on an "As Budgeted" basis, Invoices will include separate rows for each row in the Project Budget. The text in each Invoice row will be taken from the relevant Project Budget row. The Tags/Objects in each Invoice row will be taken from the Item and Person records.
- By Items/Person
- Project Invoices will include separate rows for each Item/Person combination, showing how much each Person has worked on a Project. The text in each row will consist of the Item Name and the name of the Person.
- The value of each row will be the total value of the Project Transactions or Project Budget rows with the relevant Item and Person.
- The Tags/Objects on flip B of each Invoice row will be taken from the Item and Person records.
- If time will be invoiced on an "Actual" basis, you can select the Separate Inv. Row option in a particular Project Transaction if you need that Project Transaction to appear in a dedicated row in the Invoice. In that sense, selecting the Separate Inv. Row option has the effect of selecting the By Transactions option for an individual Project Transaction. However, the assignment of Tags/Objects will still obey whichever Invoice Times option is selected in the Project.
- The Separate Inv. Row option will be selected by default in Project Transactions created from Activities and Time Sheets (and from Deliveries, Returned Goods records and Stock Depreciation records) if you have selected the Time Sheets/Activities: Separate Inv Row option on the 'Invoicing' card of the Project (the default for this option is set on the 'On Invoice' card of this setting), and in Project Transactions created from Purchase Invoices and Expense records if you have selected the Purch. Invs/Expenses: Separate Inv Row option.
- At the Invoice level, the Tags/Objects on the 'Terms' card of a Project Invoice will be taken from the 'Terms' card of the originating Project, from the Sales Tags/Objects field on the 'Accounts' card of the Contact record for the Customer and from the 'Accounts' card of the Person record for the Salesman. So, if you are using the By Transactions or By Items/Person options, an Invoice header might include a Tag/Object for the Salesman, while an Invoice row might include a Tag/Object for the Person carrying out the work. This will mean that you will need to resolve a "Multiple tag/object of the same type" conflict before you will be able to mark the Invoice as OK. One way might be to use the Skip Header A/C Objects on Sales and COS A/C option in the Account Usage S/L setting.
- Budget Time
- Use these options to choose which of the Invoice Time options will be selected by default when creating new records in the Project Budget and Quotation registers. The Invoice Time options will determine whether time will be invoiced on an "Actual" basis or an "As Budgeted" basis. Please refer to the page describing the 'Invoicing' card of the Project Budget window for details about the two options.
Settings in the Job Costing module:
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