Project Settings - Stocked Items Card
This page describes the 'Stocked Items' card in the Project Settings setting. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other parts of the setting:

- Stocked Items Description
- If you are using the One Row Total option for Invoice Stocked Items (below), all invoiceable Stocked Items will be summarised together in a single Invoice row. Specify here the text that is to appear in this Invoice row.
- Invoice Stocked Items
- These options work in a similar manner to the Invoice Times options on the 'Service' card, but refer to Stocked Items. Again, here you should choose the option that you want to be selected by default in new Projects, but you will be able to choose a different option in an individual Project using the Invoice Stocked Items options on the 'Stock & Materials' card. Please refer to the description of the 'Service' card for details about each option.
- If you choose the One Row Total or By Groups options, you should choose to have Cost of Sales postings made from Deliveries. Invoices will not include Item Numbers if you choose either of these options, so it will not be possible to establish or post Cost of Sales values from Invoices. If you choose the By Items or By Transactions options, you can choose to have Cost of Sales postings made from Deliveries or from Invoices with Accruals from Deliveries. Do not choose to have Cost of Sales postings made from Invoices because this will cause Stocked Items in Project Invoices to be removed from stock twice. To specify when Cost of Sales postings will be made, use the Cost of Sales Posting options in the Cost Accounting setting in the Stock module. You will also need to select the Deliveries option in the Sub Systems setting.
- Budget Stocked
- Use these options to choose which of the Invoice Stocked Items options will be selected by default when creating new records in the Project Budget and Quotation register. The Invoice Stocked Items options will determine whether Stocked Items will be invoiced on an "Actual" basis or an "As Budgeted" basis. Please refer to the page describing the 'Invoicing' card of the Project Budget window for details about the two options.
Settings in the Job Costing module:
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