
Create Menu - Project - Project Budget

This page describes the 'Project Budget' function on the Create menu in the Project record window. If you are using iOS or Android, the 'Project Budget' function is on the + menu.


When viewing a Project, you can use the 'Project Budget' function on the Create menu (Windows/macOS) or + menu (iOS/Android) to create a Project Budget record for the Project. You must save all changes to the Project before you can create the Budget.

On selecting the function, the new Project Budget will be opened in a window entitled 'Project Budget: New'. This means that it has not yet been saved. After amendment if necessary, save the record in the Project Budget register by clicking the [Save] button (Windows/macOS) or tapping √ (iOS/Android). Alternatively, if you no longer require the Budget, click [Cancel] or tap <.

The Project Code, Customer Number and Name, Tags/Objects, Members, Project Leader and Salesman will be copied to the Project Budget from the Project, and the Transaction Date of the Budget will be set to the current date. The invoicing methods ("Actual" or "As Budgeted" for each cost type) will be taken from the Project Settings setting.

To close the Project Budget window and return to the Project, click the close box or tap <. You will be asked if you would like to save any changes that you may have made.

You can only create one Budget record for a particular Project: if a Budget record already exists, the function will have no effect. To open an existing Budget from a Project, select 'Open Project Budget' from the Operations menu (Windows/macOS) or Tools menu (iOS/Android).


The Project register in Standard ERP:

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