Entering a Returned Goods to Supplier record - Extra Costs Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Extra Costs' card in the Returned Goods to Supplier record window. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

- Plan. Sent Date
- Paste Special
Choose date
- Plan. Sent Time
- Paste Special
Current time
- Use these fields to specify when you plan to send the Items in the Return to the Supplier.
- In Portugal (i.e. if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is "Portuguese"), SAF-T reporting requirements demand that a Planned Sent Date and Time must be recorded for each Return. Use these fields to record the Planned Sent Date and Time, with these controls:
- If you make an entry in one field, you cannot then leave the other field empty. For example, if you specify a Planned Sent Date, you must also specify a Planned Sent Time.
- The Planned Sent Date cannot be earlier than the Return Date.
- If the Planned Sent Date and the Return Date are both today, the Planned Sent Time cannot be earlier than the current time.
- In all other countries, these fields are optional, and there are no controls over how you use them.
- If you need this information printed on your Invoice documentation, include the "Planned Sent Date" and "Planned Sent Time" fields in your Form Template designs.
- Plan. Arrival Date
- Paste Special
Choose date
- Plan. Arrival Time
- Paste Special
Current time
- Use these fields to specify when you expect the Items in the Return will arrive with the Supplier.
The Returned Goods to Supplier register in Standard ERP:
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