Autotransactions - Entering, Inspecting and Changing Autotransactions
The Autotransactions feature in Standard ERP:
The Autotransactions setting is in the Nominal Ledger. To enter a new Autotransaction record, ensure you are in this module and open the 'Settings' list by clicking (Windows/macOS) or tapping (iOS/Android) the [Settings] button in the Navigation Centre. You can also use the Ctrl-S (Windows) or ⌘-S (macOS) keyboard shortcuts. Then, double-click or tap 'Autotransactions' in the 'Settings' list. A list of existing Autotransactions appears. Select 'New' from the Create menu (Windows/macOS) or + menu (iOS/Android) to enter a new record. Alternatively, highlight an Autotransaction similar to the one you want to enter, and select 'Duplicate' from the same menu. A record window entitled 'Autotransaction: New' will be opened, empty if you selected 'New' or containing a duplicate of the highlighted Autotransaction.
If you want to look at the details of an existing Autotransaction, open the 'Autotransactions: Browse' window and find the Autotransaction that you need. Then, double-click (Windows/macOS) or tap (iOS/Android) the Autotransaction in the list to open the Autotransaction record in a record window entitled 'Autotransaction: Inspect'.
When the Autotransaction is complete, save it using the [Save] button or by tapping √ and close the window by clicking the close box or by tapping <. Then, close the browse window using the close box or < again.

- Code
- Enter the unique code by which the Autotransaction record is to be identified from elsewhere in Standard ERP. You can use up to ten alphanumeric characters, but do not use a Code that is the same as an Account number.
- When you need to use the Autotransaction in a Transaction, Simulation, Purchase Invoice or Expense record, enter this Code in the Account field in the first empty row. When you press Tab or Return or tap in another field, the calculations that you have defined in the grid of the Autotransaction record will be applied to the Transaction, Simulation, Purchase Invoice or Expense record.
- Name
- Assign a descriptive name to the Autotransaction. This Name will be shown in the 'Autotransactions: Browse' window.
- Don't swap Debit & Credit
- Please refer to the description of the Debit and Credit fields below for details about this option.
Use the grid area that takes up the majority of the window to define the Autotransaction. Usually this will require several rows.
When you use an Autotransaction in a Transaction, you will do so by entering the Autotransaction Code in the Account field in a Transaction row. When you press Tab or Return or click or tap in another field, the Autotransaction will be applied to the Transaction. Usually, the result of the first row of the Autotransaction will appear in the Transaction row in which you entered the Autotransaction Code. The exception is when the Account field in the first Autotransaction row contains !. In this case, the result of the first row of the Autotransaction will appear in the Transaction row above the one in which you entered the Autotransaction Code, overwriting what was previously there. The results of the other rows of the Autotransaction will appear in new Transaction rows underneath. Each Autotransaction row will therefore generate a corresponding Transaction row. There is an example here.
- Account
- Paste Special
Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- You can make three types of entry in this field, as follows:
- An Account Number
- You can enter an Account number, using 'Paste Special' if necessary to choose the correct one.
- This Account Number will be copied to the corresponding Transaction row.
- The hash sign (#)
- # in this field will cause the Account to be copied from the preceding Transaction row. # is obtained using Alt-3 on a UK macOS keyboard.
- The exclamation mark (!)
- ! in this field will cause the Debit or Credit amount in the previous Transaction row to be overwritten by the result of the Autotransaction row. Please refer to the example for a detailed description.
- Tags/Objects
- Paste Special
Tag/Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- The Tag(s)/Object(s) that you specify here will be copied to the corresponding Transaction row. You can also enter a # sign in this field if you need the Tags/Objects to be copied from the preceding Transaction row.
- Description
- By default, the Description in the corresponding Transaction row will be taken from the relevant Account record as usual. If you need this default to be overwritten, enter the new Description here. You can also enter a # sign if you need the Description to be copied from the preceding Transaction row.
- Debit, Credit
- Paste Special
Calculation Formulae setting, Nominal Ledger
- You can enter a fixed amount here (e.g. a salary or a rent), or a formula for a calculation. You can enter a percentage as a number followed by a % sign (e.g. 30%). The Autotransaction will then apply the specified percentage to the Debit or Credit amount in the preceding Transaction row. You can also define a more complex formula by entering a record in the Calculation Formulae setting and then enter the Code of that formula here. The Autotransaction will then apply the specified formula to the Debit or Credit amount in the preceding Transaction row.
- By default, if you enter the amount or percentage in the Debit field, the calculated amount will be entered on the same side of the Transaction as the original amount. If you enter the amount or percentage in the Credit field, the calculated amount will be entered on the opposite side. But, if you have selected the Don't Swap Debit & Credit option in the Autotransaction header, if you enter the amount or percentage in the Debit field, the calculated amount will be entered on the debit side, irrespective of whether the original amount was a debit or credit. If you enter the amount or percentage in the Credit field, the calculated amount will be entered on the Credit side.
- However, if you enter a Calculation Formula in the Debit field, it will calculate an amount based on the figure in the row above and enter the result as a Debit. If you enter the Calculation Formula in the Credit field, the calculated amount will be entered as a Credit. In other words, if you enter a Calculation Formula in an Autotransaction row, that row will always behave as if you are using the Don't Swap Debit & Credit option.
- If you need an Autotransaction row to balance the preceding rows in the Transaction, enter an equal sign (=) in the Debit or Credit field.
- V-Cd
- Paste Special
VAT Codes setting, Nominal Ledger
- By default, the VAT Code in the corresponding Transaction row will be taken from the relevant Account record as usual. If you need this default to be overwritten, or if there is no default in the relevant Account record, enter the new VAT Code here. You can also enter a # sign if you need the VAT Code to be copied from the preceding Transaction row (the A/C must be ! or #).
If you need to print a list of the Autotransactions that you have entered in the Autotransactions setting, produce a
System Documentation report (from the System module) with the
Autotransactions option selected.
Settings in the Nominal Ledger:
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