
Webshop and CMS module - Making a Website Accessible to Browsers

This page describes the steps that you need to follow to publish a website that you have constructed in Standard ERP.


One of the first steps in building a website is to publish it to make it accessible online to browsers. Follow these steps:

  1. Program Mode Open the Program Mode register in the Technics module and specify a Web Port on the 'Web' card:

    The Web Port is the port through which your Standard ERP server will listen for incoming web traffic (from browsers). The Web Port should usually be 80 for a live website, but you can use a different port for testing.

    After adding or changing the Web Port, restart Standard ERP to start using the new port. In a client-server environment, restart the server.

    You may find it convenient to develop your website using a single-user version of Standard ERP and a test database. As you develop the website you will be able to test your work immediately using a browser on the same machine. To develop your website using a single-user version of Standard ERP, select the Single User Server option on the 'Server' card in the Program Mode register:

    When the website is ready for live use, export the relevant registers and settings from your test database using the 'Webshop and CMS Data' Export function in the Integration module and import them into your live system using the 'Automatic' or 'Manual file search' Import functions in the System module. To be able to use the 'Webshop and CMS Data' Export functions, you must log in as a Global User or Person whose Access Group explicitly grants full access to the Integration module.

    Having set the Web Port and selected the Single User Server option (and restarted Standard ERP), you will be able to access your website from a browser on the same machine using the following URL:

    http://localhost:Web Port

    For example, referring to the example illustrations above, we will be to use the following URL:


    The word "localhost" represents the IP address (normally of the computer you are using.

    It is important to ensure that the Web Port you are using is not blocked by a firewall.

    If you are not using the Single User Server option (i.e. you will develop your website in your server from a client), use the following URL to access your website:

    http://Server IP Address:Web Port

  2. HTTPS If you need connections to your website to use HTTPS, obtain an SSL/TLS certificate as described here. Then configure the Program Mode register as described in step 1 and additionally specify an HTTPS port, select the Use HTTPS option and use the Certificate and Private Key fields to specify where the certificate files are located—

    The HTTPS Port must not be the same as the Web Port.

    If you have selected the Single User Server option (and after restarting Standard ERP), you will be able to access your website from a browser on the same machine using the following URL:

    https://localhost:HTTPS Port

    For example, referring to the example illustrations above, we will be to use the following URL:


    You may need to type "https://" when entering this URL.

  3. Web Server Settings Change to the Webshop and CMS module and open the Web Server Settings setting:

    Ensure the Web Startpage/Function field contains "web.hal". web.hal is a function inside Standard ERP that will redirect a browser user to the start page of your website when that user enters a URL that only contains a host and a web port (as mentioned in step 1).

  4. webcust folder Add a folder named "webcust" to the folder containing your Standard ERP application (single-user application if you are testing using the Single User Server described in step 1, server application for other testing and when the website is live). The "webcust" folder should contain the images, stylesheet files and other files that will be used by the website.
After completing these steps, you will be ready to create the first page for your website. Please refer here for details.

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