Business Communicator Window - Skype
To call a Contact using Skype, first open the
'Business Communicator' window:

Click on the Contact in the Contact list and then:
- To make a Skype-to-Skype call, click on their Skype Name in the Contact Method list and then click the [Skype] button.
- To make a SkypeOut call, click on their telephone or mobile number in the Contact Method list (or enter a number in the Dial field) and then click the [Skype] button.
- To open the Skype Chat window, click on their Skype Name in the Contact Method list and then click the [Chat] button.
You can end Skype-to-Skype and SkypeOut calls either in the Skype application itself or by clicking on the call in the Call list in the 'Business Communicator' window and then clicking the [Hang up] button.
You can use the [Skype] button to answer an incoming Skype-to-Skype call, as well as doing so in Skype itself. If you already have an open call, it will be put on hold when you click the [Skype] button to answer the new call.
Communication using Skype requires the following:
- The Skype application must be running.
- You must have allowed HansaWorld Enterprise to use Skype. This is described on the 'Interaction with Skype' page.
- To make a SkypeOut call, you must have Skype credits.
- When you make a SkypeOut call, the format of the number you are calling must be as described on the 'Contact Numbers' page.
In this chapter: