POS Settings
This page describes the POS Settings setting. This setting is located in the Point of Sales and Restaurant modules, but this description focuses on its use in the Restaurant module. Please refer here if you need a description focusing on its use in the Point of Sales module.
The POS Settings setting contains some miscellaneous options controlling the behaviour of various aspects of the Restaurant and Point of Sales modules. The setting is located in both modules.
The options that you choose here will be applied to every till, cash machine and device in your network. If necessary, you can override some of these options on a particular till or device, working in the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module on the till or device in question (or, if a till or device has a live-sync connection to the server, in the record for the till or device in the Local Settings setting in the Technics module).
To work with the POS Settings setting, ensure you are in the Restaurant or Point of Sales modules using the [Switch Module] button in the Navigation Centre. Then, if you are using Windows or macOS, click the [Settings] button, also in the Navigation Centre. When the 'Settings' list opens, double-click 'POS Settings'. If you are using iOS or Android, select 'Settings' from the Tools menu (with 'wrench' icon) and tap 'POS Settings' in the 'Settings' list. The 'POS Settings: Inspect' window opens: configure it as appropriate and as described below the illustration. When the record is complete, click the [Save] button (Windows/macOS) or tap √ (iOS/Android) to save.

- Default Customer
- Paste Special
Customers in Contact register
- The Default Customer is the Customer that will be used by default in every new Bar Tab and POS Invoice. This will often be a generic Customer such as "Cash Sale".
- You can specify an overall Default Customer in this field. This Default Customer will be used on every till and device. If you want to choose a different Default Customer for a particular till or device, you can do so using the Default Customer field in the Local Machine setting on the till or device in question (or, if a till or device has a live-sync connection to the server, in the record for the till or device in the Local Settings setting in the Technics module).
- In both cases, the specified Customer must exist as a separate record in the Contact register.
- Every new Bar Tab and POS Invoice will be created in the name of the Default Customer. If you have added a "Customer Search" button to the Bar Tab and/or POS Invoice windows, you will be able to choose a different Customer if necessary. Specifying a Loyalty Card in a Bar Tab or POS Invoice will also change the Customer.
- Back Office A/C
- Paste Special
Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- The Back Office Account is used when you move cash, cheques and credit card payments into and out of your Till Drawers. A movement into a Till Drawer (e.g. placing a cash float into a Till Drawer) will credit the Back Office Account, while a movement out of a Till Drawer (e.g. removing the day's takings from the Drawer to the back office or bank) will debit it.
- You should record movements into and out of your Till Drawers using the Cash Events setting. A Cash Event will not update the Nominal Ledger immediately. This will be done the next time you create a POS Balance record and save it after marking it as OK. You can do this yourself or it will be done automatically the next time you run the 'Cash Up' Maintenance function.
- The Back Office Account for a particular Cash Event will be chosen as follows:
- The Cred. A/C specified in the Cash Event itself will be used. If you did not specify a Cred A/C in a Cash Event, the Back Office A/C specified here will be copied to the Cash Event when you mark it as OK and save.
- If no Back Office A/C can be copied to the Cash Event (i.e. if you have not specified a Back Office A/C in this field), the Back Office A/C on flip E of the relevant Payment Mode will be used.
Usually, you will only specify a Back Office Account in this setting if you want to use the same Account for every Payment Mode. If you leave this field empty, you should specify Back Office Accounts for each Payment Mode (on flip E).
- This field is the same as the Back Office A/C field in the Account Usage Restaurant setting, so you can edit it in either setting.
- Writeoff A/C
- Paste Special
Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- As well as using Cash Events to record movements into and out of your Till Drawers, you can use them to write off cash that is missing from Till Drawers. This type of Cash Event is known as a "Writeoff" Cash Event.
- "Writeoff" Cash Events will debit a Write-off Account that will be chosen as follows:
- The Cred. A/C specified in the Cash Event itself will be used. If you did not specify a Cred A/C in a Cash Event, the Writeoff A/C specified here will be copied to the Cash Event when you mark it as OK and save.
- If no Writeoff A/C can be copied to the Cash Event (i.e. if you have not specified a Writeoff A/C in this field), the amounts written off will not be recorded in the Nominal Ledger.
The Writeoff A/C will usually be a Balance Sheet Account (e.g. an Account for discrepancies to be investigated). After investigation, you can enter a Nominal Ledger Transaction to send the discrepancy from the Writeoff A/C to the correct Account.
- This field is the same as the Writeoff A/C field in the Account Usage Restaurant setting, so you can edit it in either setting.
- Tip Payment Mode
- Paste Special
Payment Modes setting, Sales/Purchase Ledger
- If a Bar Tab includes a Tip, the value of that Tip will be credited to the Account in the Payment Mode that you specify here. If you are using Tips, you should specify a Payment Mode here because otherwise the value of Tips will be credited to the Base Currency Round Off Account.
- This field is the same as the Tip Payment Mode field in the Account Usage Restaurant setting, so you can edit it in either setting.
- Allow Multiple Sessions per Machine
- Select this option if your tills and devices each have more than one Drawer.
- If a till or device has more than one Drawer, you may need more than one work session for that till or device to be open at a time, one for each Drawer. This will have the following consequences:
- When opening and closing sessions, you will need to specify users as well as Drawers and Machines. This connects users and Drawers. For example, you might open a work session for Machine 1, Drawer 1, Users SJ,AM, and a second session for Machine 1, Drawer 2, Users NM.
- Each Bar Tab will be assigned to the Drawer that is connected to the current user. In the example, if SJ logs in on the Machine and enters a Bar Tab, it will be assigned to Drawer 1 automatically (providing the session is open). If NM logs in and enters a Bar Tab, it will be assigned to Drawer 2 automatically (again, providing the session is open).
- If a Person not connected to any Drawer logs in (in other words, a Person whose last session was closed or a Person that has not been mentioned in any sessions), that Person will not be able to save Bar Tabs, providing you are also using the Require Open Session option (below). If you are not using the Require Open Session option, Bar Tabs will be saved, but they will not be assigned to a Drawer. It is therefore highly recommended that you use the Require Open Session option if you are also using the Allow Multiple Sessions per Machine option.
- You can only assign a particular Person to a single open session at any one time.
If you do not select this option, it will be assumed that each till and device has a single Drawer. When you enter a Bar Tab on a particular till, it will be assigned automatically to the Drawer for which you most recently opened a work session.
- Cash Up from Operations Menu
- Use these options to specify the defaults that you want to be used when you produce the Cash Up report from a Bar Tab or POS Invoice (using the "Cash Up Report" button) or from a POS Balance record (by choosing 'Cash Up Report' from the Operations menu). When you produce the report using one of these methods, it will be printed to screen immediately: no specification window will be opened.
- Start from Previous POS Balance
- This option controls the report period that will be used when you produce the Cash Up report from a Bar Tab or POS Invoice using the "Cash Up Report" button. If you are using this option, the report period will begin on the date of the most recent POS Balance record for the current Till Drawer that has been marked as OK and will end on the current date. If you are not using this option, the period will begin one day before the current day.
- If you produce a Cash Up report from a POS Balance record, the report will always behave as if you are using this option.
- Using this option can be useful if you do not create POS Balance records daily as it will show you how long it has been since you last ran the function. If you do run the function daily, the report will immediately show you if you have forgotten to create a POS Balance record for a particular Till Drawer on a particular day.
- If you are not using work sessions, you may find that selecting this option will speed up the calculation of the Balance figure when entering POS Balance records, and will speed up the operation of the 'Cash Up' Maintenance function. Selecting this option will mean that the calculations will run from the date and time of the most recent previous POS Balance record for the Machine/Drawer combination that has been marked as OK. If you do not select this option, calculations will go back to the date and time of the original work session that connected the till to the Drawer.
- Print Detailed N/L Transaction
- Choose this option if you would like the report to be produced as if you are using the Print N/L Transaction option in the 'Specify Cash Up' window.
- Restaurant Update Stock Interval, Run Update Stock Maintenance, OK Stock Depreciations
- When a Bar Tab is marked as Finished and saved, stock levels of the sold Items sold will not be updated immediately. This will be done when you run the 'Update Stock' Maintenance function in the Restaurant module, which you should do periodically and regularly. This function will create Stock Depreciation records for the sold Items, and Goods Receipts for any that have been returned.
- If you would like the 'Update Stock' function to be run automatically, select the Run Update Stock Maintenance option, and specify in the Update Stock Interval field how frequently you would like this to happen. Use the 24-hour clock in the Update Stock Interval field: for example, enter "02:00:00" if you would like the Maintenance function to be run every two hours. You must specify an interval, otherwise the function will not be run. If you need the Stock Depreciation created by the function to be marked as OK automatically, select the OK Stock Depreciations option.
- Note that when the 'Update Stock' function is run automatically because you are using this option, it will only include the current day's Bar Tabs. If you need a previous day's Bar Tabs to be included, you should run the function yourself and specify a suitable period.
- After changing this field and/or check box, you will need to restart the server for the changes to take effect.
- POS Update Stock Interval, Run Update Stock Maintenance, OK Stock Depreciations
- As described for Bar Tabs above, stock is also not updated automatically from POS Invoices. Instead, you will need to run the separate 'Update Stock' Maintenance function in the Point of Sales module. Use these options if you would like this function to be run automatically, again as described above.
- Cash Up Interval, Run Cash Up Maintenance, Print Z Report
- The 'Cash Up' Maintenance function will create a Cash Event that records the emptying of a specified Till Drawer (i.e. the removal of the cash, cheques, credit card payments, etc to the safe or bank), close the current work session for the Till Drawer (if you are using work sessions) and create and mark as OK a POS Balance. This POS Balance record will cause a Nominal Ledger Transaction to be created for the day's sales and Cash Events. You should run the 'Cash Up' function regularly (e.g. at the end of every day).
- If you would like the 'Cash Up' function to be run automatically, select the Run Cash Up Maintenance option, and specify in the Cash Up Interval field how frequently you would like this to happen. Use the 24-hour clock in the Cash Up Interval field: for example, enter "02:00:00" if you would like the Maintenance function to be run every two hours. You must specify an interval, otherwise the function will not be run. If you need a Z report to be printed after the 'Cash Up' function has been run, select the Print Z Report option (selecting this option will also cause the similarly named option to be selected by default whenever you run the 'Cash Up' function yourself).
- When choosing the interval, remember that the 'Cash Up' function will close work sessions for each till (if you are using work sessions). You may need to ensure that when the function is run automatically, it is at a time when closing sessions will not cause too much disruption. If you have live-sync tills that are likely to be operating for long periods while disconnected from the server, take care as well that the automatic running of the function does not close sessions for those tills before they have sent their Bar Tabs and POS Invoices to the server.
- After changing this field and/or check box, you will need to restart the server for the changes to take effect.
- Require Open Session
- You can organise your Restaurant and POS work into work sessions. Usually, a work session will be a working day, but it can be any period up to the next time you need to run your cash up routines.
- The first time you use a Till Drawer, you must open a work session. This will lock the Drawer to the till or device, so that the Drawer will be assigned to each Bar Tab and POS Invoice entered on the till or device. If you do not lock the Drawer to the till or device, Bar Tab and POS Invoices entered on the Machine may be assigned to the wrong Drawer or may not be assigned to a Drawer at all and so will not be included in the cash up routines.
- After the initial opening and closing of a work session for each Till Drawer, it is not then necessary to continue opening and closing sessions on all tills. If you intend to use work sessions, you should select this option, in order to make sure that sessions are used on all tills and devices. You will then be prevented from saving Bar Tabs, Sales Ledger and POS Invoices and Cash Events if you have not opened a session. If you intend to use work sessions but do not select this option, you risk saving Bar Tabs, Invoices and Cash Events when tills and devices are not in open session, and these Bar Tabs, Invoices and Cash Events may excluded from the cashing up routines.
- If you are using this option, the Transaction Date and Time in a Bar Tab will be updated each time you save it. A separate field, the Reporting Date, will record the date when the session was opened. If you are not using this option, the Transaction Date and Time and the Reporting Date will be set when the Bar Tab is first saved and will not be updated.
- If you would like to override this option on a particular till, you can do so in the Tab Item Group register in the User Settings module.
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