Restaurant - Connecting Printers - Serial Receipt Printers with pre-defined print-outs
This page describes connecting serial receipt printers to tills and devices to print Bar Tabs: for details about USB/Wifi receipt printers, please refer
here, and for details about fiscal printers,
The Epson TM-U210 serial receipt printer is supported: please refer to your local HansaWorld representative if you are using other receipt printers.
To work with serial receipt printers, follow these steps:
- If you have not already assigned Local Machine Codes to your tills and devices, you should do so as the first step.
In the case of tills and devices with live connections to the server, open the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module and ensure the Code field in the header contains the correct Local Machine Code. You should do this separately on each till and device. If the Local Machine Code field was previously empty, you should quit Standard ERP on the till and restart.
In the case of a till or device with a live-sync connection to the server, you will have assigned a Local Machine Code when you connected the till or device to the server for the first time.
- Connect receipt printers to each till and device using RS232 serial cables. If a till is a macOS or Linux machine that does not have a serial port, you will need an RS232-to-USB adapter and driver.
- Working on a desktop client, change to the Technics module and open the Local Machine Serial Port Devices setting. This setting should contain separate records for each individual serial port device (i.e. separate records for each individual receipt printer). By specifying a Local Machine Code in each record, you will in effect use the setting to specify which tills and devices are connected to receipt printers. Enter a separate record for each individual receipt printer as follows:

- Code
- Enter a unique Code for the receipt printer. The Code can consist of up to ten characters, and you can use both numbers and letters.
- Local Machine
- Paste Special
Local Machines setting, Point of Sales/Restaurant/Technics module
- Local Machine Code of the till or device to which the receipt printer is or will be attached.
- Device Class
- Paste Special
Choices of possible entries
- Use 'Paste Special' to set the Device Class to "Receipt Printer".
- Device Model
- Paste Special
Choices of possible entries
- Use 'Paste Special' to specify the model of receipt printer that you are using.
- Port
- Specify the till's serial port to which the receipt printer is connected (e.g. "COM1" if the till is a Windows machine).
- If a till is a macOS or Linux machine and you have connected the printer using an RS232-to-USB adapter, you can discover the port number of the new port using the Network section of System Preferences or by typing ls /dev/tty.* in a new Terminal window. Then enter the port number in this field (for example, /dev/tty.usbserial or /dev/tty.KeySerial1).
- Baud Rate, Flow Control, Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity
- Refer to the manual for the receipt printer to specify the appropriate communications settings. In the case of the Flow Control field, you can choose the relevant value using 'Paste Special'.
- Codepage
- Paste Special
Choices of possible entries
- Specify the code page (character encoding system) that is to be used when communicating with the receipt printer. This information can again often be found in the manual for the receipt printer.
- Start with Esc. Sequence (ASCII Codes), End with Esc. Sequence (ASCII Codes)
- If required by the receipt printer, specify the escape sequences that should mark the start and end points of each communication with the printer. Again, please refer to the manual for the printer for this information.
- On Device Failure
- Paste Special
Local Machine Serial Port Devices setting, Technics module
- You can specify here a secondary printer that is to be used if the receipt printer fails. The secondary printer should have its own record in the Local Machine Serial Port Devices setting, and should also be attached to the till or device.
Please refer here for more details about the Local Machine Serial Port Devices setting, including details about how information in this setting is sent to the Local Serial Port Devices Cache setting in the User Settings module on each till and device.
- If your receipt printers have their own cash drawers, remain in the Local Machine Serial Port Devices setting and enter separate records for each cash drawer. These records should be as described above (i.e. with the same Device Model), but the Device Class field should contain "Drawer". You may also need to specify a Start Escape Sequence: refer to the printer's manual for this information. Please refer to step 8 for more information about cash drawers.
- Use the Receipt Printer Texts and/or Receipt Printer Texts per Machine settings to enter the text that is to be printed at the top and bottom of each receipt.
- Having followed the steps above, each time a waiter or member of bar staff finishes a Bar Tab (by clicking or touching the "Finish" button), it will be printed on the receipt printer.
- If your receipt printers have their own cash drawers and you have created separate records in the Local Machine Serial Port Devices setting for each till for those drawers as described in step 3, the cash drawer will be opened after a Bar Tab has been printed, providing the waiter or member of bar staff belongs to an Access Group that includes a row explicitly giving full access to the 'Open Cash Drawer' Action.
- If you will need waiters and bar staff to be able to re-print Bar Tabs on receipt printers, add "All Tabs" and "Print Tab to Receipt Printer" buttons to the Bar Tab window.
Configuring the Bar Tab Window:
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