
Bar Tab Kitchen Order

This page describes the Bar Tab Kitchen Order form in the Restaurant module.


The Bar Tab Kitchen Order form allows you to print Bar Tabs in batches. After printing Bar Tabs, it will create Kitchen Orders from them.

If you add Items to a Bar Tab after you have printed it using the Bar Tab Kitchen Order form and after the Kitchen Order has been created, printing the Bar Tab again using the same form will create a second Kitchen Order for the additional Items only (and only the additional Items will be printed).

The usual method of printing a Bar Tab using the Bar Tab Kitchen Order form will be through the "Print Tab to Kitchen" button in the Bar Tab window. The primary purpose of the Bar Tab Kitchen Order form option is to allow you to specify the Form Template that will be used by this button. To do this, highlight 'Bar Tab Kitchen Order' in the 'Forms' list and select 'Define Form' from the Operations menu. In the subsequent 'Form Definition' window, specify a Form Template using 'Paste Special' if necessary. The 'Form Definition' window is fully described here.

Depending on the restaurant, it can be necessary for the various Items on a Bar Tab to be printed on different printers. For example, it might be that food Items should be printed on a kitchen printer, while drinks Items should be printed on the bar printer. In the kitchen, it may be that meat Items for example should be printed on a printer at the meat station, while dessert Items should be printed on a printer at the dessert station. The Bar Tab Kitchen Order form will print each Item on the appropriate printer. Please refer to the Kitchen Orders page for details.

When designing the Form Template that will be used by the Bar Tab Kitchen Order form, the fields that you can use are the same as the ones you can use in the Form Template for the Bar Tab form. Please refer here for a list of the header fields and here for the row fields.


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