POS Button Types in POS Invoices - Returns
This page describes the following POS Button Types in POS Invoices:
- Return
- Return Invoice No.
- Return Reason
Please refer
here for an index of all POS Button Types.
- Function
- Allows Customers to return Items.
- Requirements
- Can only be used by a cashier or supervisor whose Access Group gives access to the 'Negative Quantity on POS Invoices' Action.
- Workflow A
- Add the Item(s) being returned to a POS Invoice.
- Click or touch the "Return" button.
- If the cashier does not have the necessary access right, the 'Login' window will appear, allowing a supervisor to log in.
- All quantities will be changed from positive to negative.
- Click or touch a payment button (e.g. "Cash" or "Credit Card") to process the refund.
- Click or touch the "Finish" button as normal to close the POS Invoice and open a new one.
- Workflow B
- Click or touch the "All Invoices" button and then locate and open the POS Invoice containing the Items that are being returned.
- Click or touch the "Return" button.
- If the cashier does not have the necessary access right, the 'Login' window will appear, allowing a supervisor to log in.
- The POS Invoice will be duplicated, and the duplicate will be opened. All quantities will be negative.
- Click or touch a payment button (e.g. "Cash" or "Credit Card") to process the refund.
- Click or touch the "Finish" button as normal to close the POS Invoice and open a new one.
- Notes
- Workflow A allows you to process a return without having access to the original Invoice. Workflow B allows you to process a return by locating the original Invoice and duplicating it.
- It is unlikely that an Invoice and its refund will be processed on the same till or cash machine. In a live-sync environment, a cashier will only have access to the POS Invoices that are stored on the till they are using i.e. to the Invoices that were created on that till. Therefore it won't be possible to follow Workflow B. For this reason, you may need to arrange for returns to be processed on a till that has a live connection to the server and that therefore has access to every POS Invoice in the main server database. Entering reasons for returns (using the "Return Reason" button described below) will also be easier on a till with a live connection.
- If the Customer possesses the original receipt as proof of purchase, use the "Return Invoice No." button to record the Invoice Number of this receipt in the refund Invoice. If you used Workflow B, this will be done automatically.
- The "Return" button converts an entire Invoice into a Return. Every quantity will be changed from positive to negative, even for Items added to the Invoice after you press the button. If some quantities should be positive (e.g. the Customer wants to exchange one Item for another), do not use the "Return" button and instead use a "Subtract 1" POS Command to reduce the quantities of the returned Items.
- If you are using the Incremental Receipt Printing option on a till, use Workflow A and press the "Return" button before adding any Items to the Invoice. This will ensure the Items are printed on the receipt with negative quantities.
- If you need it to be mandatory for cashiers to specify a Customer in returns (i.e. if the Customer in a return cannot be the Default Customer), select the Require Return Customer option in the POS Settings setting.
- If you need a particular Payment Mode to be used when issuing refunds for Returns, specify that this Payment Mode is the Return Pay. Mode in the Default Payment Modes setting. For example, you may need refunds to be given in cash. If a cashier uses a different payment method (e.g. they press the "Credit Card" button, they will be shown a warning when they press the button. If you have also selected the Force Return Pay. Mode option in the same setting, incorrect payment windows (e.g. the 'Credit Card Payment' window) will not open, forcing the cashier to use the specified payment method. Note that because POS Buttons are fully user-definable, the warning cannot suggest which button should be used.
Return Invoice No.
- Function
- Allows a cashier to record the original Invoice Number when a Customer returns an Item.
- Requirements
- In the row in the POS Button record that adds the "Return Invoice No." button to the POS Invoice window, you can optionally enter a Standard Problem in the Code field, using 'Paste Special' if necessary. This will be saved in the row recording the original Invoice Number as the reason for the return. You can therefore add several "Return Invoice No." buttons, each configured so that different reasons for returns will be recorded.
- Workflow
- Click or touch the "Return Invoice No." button.
- The 'Return Invoice No.' window opens:

- Enter the original Invoice Number from the receipt presented by the Customer using the keypad.
- Click or touch [Proceed] to add the original Invoice Number to the current POS Invoice or [Cancel] to leave the current POS Invoice unchanged. A new line will be added to the POS Invoice (after the Items) showing the original Invoice Number.
Return Reason
- Function
- When a Customer returns an Item, allows a cashier to record the reason for the return.
- Requirements
- In the row in the POS Button record that adds the "Return Reason" button to the POS Invoice window, you can optionally enter a Standard Problem in the Code field, using 'Paste Special' if necessary. This will be used as the default in the window that opens when the cashier clicks or touches the "Return Reason" button.
- If cashiers will enter their own return reasons, they will need to use tills and cash machines that have keyboards.
- Workflow
- Click or touch the "Return Reason" button.
- The 'Return Invoice No.' window opens:

If you specified a Standard Problem in the row in the POS Button record that adds the "Return Reason" button to the POS Invoice window, that Standard Problem together with the first line of its Description will be shown in the window by default.
- In the Return Reason field, use 'Paste Special' to choose the Standard Problem that represents the reason for the return.
- Enter a description of the reason in the Comment field.
- Click or touch [Proceed] to add the return reason to the POS Invoice or [Cancel] to leave the current POS Invoice unchanged. A new line will be added to the POS Invoice (after the Items) showing the return reason.
- Notes
- If you need it to be mandatory for cashiers to use the "Return Reason" button to enter a reason for every return, select the Require Return Reason option in the POS Settings setting. Cashiers will need to enter a Comment in the 'Return Invoice No.' window to satisfy this requirement (i.e. entering a Return Reason will not be enough).
- The Standard Problems setting is not synchronised, so cashiers using tills and cash machines with live-sync connections to the server will not be able to choose Standard Problems using 'Paste Special'. If you are using the Require Return Reason option, cashiers will need to enter return reasons as free text using keyboards.
Configuring the POS Invoice Window:
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