
Machine Groups

This setting allows you to divide your company's Machines into groups. These groups might represent the different Recipes that the machines can produce. Dividing Machines into Machine Groups will help with resource planning: please refer to the Scheduling Productions page for an illustrated example.

Each Machine should have its own record in the Asset register in the Assets module. This register will allow you to account for each Machine's depreciation. You should record each Machine in the Asset register before entering Machine Groups.

Double-clicking 'Machine Groups' in the 'Settings' list in the Production module opens the 'Machine Groups: Inspect' window listing the Machine Groups that have already been entered. To add a new record, simply enter its details on the first blank line and click [Save] to save and close. Click the close box to close without saving changes.

Specify a unique identification Code for each Machine Group. You can use up to five alphanumeric characters. Use a Code that makes it easy to distinguish Machine Groups from other records in the Resource Planner, but do not use a Code that is the same as a Machine Code (Asset's Inventory Number).

Paste Special    Asset register, Asset module
Enter the Asset (Inventory) Number of each Machine (Asset) that belongs to the Machine Group, separated by commas.

If you need to use 'Paste Special" to enter several Machines, type the comma before opening the 'Paste Special' list. This will cause the next Machine to be added to those already entered. Otherwise, the previous Machine will be overwritten.

A particular Machine can belong to more than one Machine Group.

Settings in the Production module:

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