
Banking File - Australia - ABA

This page contains some guidance about where to enter information in order for it to be included correctly in Banking File export files when they are produced using the Australia - ABA Payment File Format.


  1. In the Banks setting:

    1. Enter a record for your own Bank. The Code should be the three-letter bank acronym code (ANZ, CBA, WBA, etc.).

    2. Enter your APCA User Number in the Payments field on the 'Banking File' card.

  2. In the Contact records for each Supplier:

    1. Enter the Supplier's bank account number in the Bank Account field.

    2. Enter the name of the Supplier's bank in the Account Operator field.

    3. Enter the branch identifier or BSB of the Supplier's bank in the BSB field. When exporting, a hyphen will be inserted automatically as the fourth character if it is missing.

    4. If you enter a Reference for a Supplier, it will be copied to each Purchase Invoice and from there to the Bank Reference field in each Payment row.

  3. In the Payment Modes setting:

    1. Enter your bank account number in the Bank A/C No. field in each Payment Mode.

    2. Enter the name of your bank in the Bank Name field.

    3. Enter the branch identifier or BSB of your bank in the BSB field. When exporting, a hyphen will be inserted automatically as the fourth character if it is missing.

    4. Enter your Bank on flip D using 'Paste Special'.
  1. Add a Reference to each Payment header. If a Payment row does not have a Bank Reference, the Reference from the Payment header will be exported instead (positions 63-80).
  1. For a Payment row to be exported, the To Bank A/C in the row and the Own Bank A/C in the Payment header must both not be blank.

  2. If you select the Unexported Only option in the 'Specify Banking File' window, Payments in the range that have not been marked as Ordered and those that have been marked as Ordered will be exported. Payments that have been marked as OK will not be exported. After the export process, any unordered Payments in the range will be marked as Ordered automatically. If you need to export a Payment that has been marked as OK, select the All option in the 'Specify Banking File' window but be careful when specifying the range of Payments to be exported as any Payments in the range that have previously been exported will be exported again. Payments and individual Payment rows that have been invalidated will never be exported.

Export functions in the Purchase Ledger and Integration modules:

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