Cash Book Settings
This page describes the Cash Book Settings setting in the Cash Book module.
This setting contains some miscellaneous options controlling the behaviour of the Cash In and Cash Out registers.
To open the Cash Book Settings setting, first ensure you are in the Cash Book module. Then, if you are using Windows or macOS, click the [Settings] button in the Navigation Centre and then double-click 'Cash Book Settings' in the 'Settings' list. If you are using iOS or Android, select 'Settings' from the Tools menu (with 'wrench' icon) and tap 'Cash Book Settings' in the 'Settings' list. The 'Cash Book Settings: Inspect' window will be opened.

- Def. VAT Code
- Paste Special
VAT Codes setting, Nominal Ledger
- VAT Codes control the VAT Accounts that will be credited (Cash In) or debited (Cash Out) when cash transactions are posted to the Nominal Ledger, and the rate at which VAT will be calculated. Use the VAT Codes setting in the Nominal Ledger to configure VAT Codes.
- Enter here the VAT Code that you wish to be used as a default when you enter new records directly to the Cash In and Cash Out registers. Normally, if your company is registered for VAT, this will be the VAT Code representing the standard rate. Otherwise, it will be a zero rate VAT Code.
- As well as entering a default here, you should also select the Post VAT option below. If you do not select this option, Nominal Ledger Transactions created from Cash In and Cash Out records will not include a separate VAT element, irrespective of the VAT Code.
- Def. Pay. Mode
- Paste Special
Payment Modes setting, Sales/Purchase Ledger, Cash Book module
- The Payment Mode determines the Nominal Ledger Account to be debited (Cash In) or credited (Cash Out) by the value of a cash transaction. Usually this will be a Cash or Bank Account.
- Enter here the Payment Mode that you wish to be used as a default when you enter new records directly to the Cash In and Cash Out registers and when you create Cash In and Cash Out records from Sales and Purchase Invoices. When you create Cash In and Cash Out records from Receipts and Payments, the Payment Mode in the Cash In or Cash Out will be copied from the Receipt or Payment and so the default will not apply.
- Be careful in choosing a default if you are using the Single Transaction method to create cash transactions from Invoices and Purchase Invoices. Please refer to point 9 of the description here for details.
- Def. Expense Account
- Paste Special
Expense Accounts setting, Cash Book module
- The Expense Account determines the Nominal Ledger Account to be credited (Cash In) or debited (Cash Out) by the value of a cash transaction (or by the value of the cash transaction less VAT if a separate VAT posting is being made). In the case of transactions that you enter directly to the Cash In and Cash Out registers, this may be a Sales (Cash In) or Purchase (Cash Out) Account, or, in the case of cash payments made to or received from members of staff, an Expense Account. For payments of cash between your bank and petty cash, it will be your Bank Account (the Petty Cash Account will come from the Payment Mode). In the case of cash transactions that you create from Invoices, especially if you are using the Double Transaction method to create cash transactions from Invoices and Purchase Invoices as described in the introduction, this may be a temporary holding Account for cash.
- Enter here the Expense Account that you wish to be used as a default when you create new records in the Cash In and Cash Out registers. This default will be used in all cases i.e. when entering records directly to the Cash In and Cash Out registers, and when creating them using the 'Cash In' and 'Cash Out' Create menu functions.
- Common Number Series
- In the Baltic States, all incoming cash transactions must use the same number sequence, irrespective of the originating register (i.e. Cash In and Receipts). Similarly, all outgoing cash transactions (i.e. Purchase Invoices, Cash Out, Payments and Personnel Payments) must use the same number sequence. Select this option if you want to use this feature.
- If you select this option, you should then define the number sequences using the From and To fields on flip C in the Payment Modes setting. Inward cash transactions will use the number sequence in the left-hand From and To fields, while outward transactions will use the sequence in the right-hand fields. You should use separate sequences for each Payment Mode. These number sequences will be used in preference to any that you have defined in the Number Series settings, which will only be used if you use a Payment Mode that does not have its own number sequence. The number sequences in Number Series - Cash In, Number Series - Cash Out, Number Series - Invoices, Number Series - Purchase Invoices, Number Series - Receipts, Number Series - Payments and Number Series - Personnel Payments should not overlap with any number sequence in the Payment Modes setting.
- As well as defining number sequences for each Payment Mode, you can use the N/L field (also on flip C in the Payment Modes window) to specify whether cash transactions will cause Nominal Ledger Transactions to be generated. As with the number sequences themselves, the N/L field in a Payment Mode will be used instead of the N/L field in the relevant Number Series setting.
- If you change the Payment Mode in any transaction record, the serial number for that record will change to the next unused one in the correct number sequence for the new Payment Mode. In the case of Purchase Invoices, you should enter the Payment Mode to the Payment Terms field. When you mark the Purchase Invoice as OK and save, it will be treated as paid and no posting to a Creditor Account will be made. A consequence of this is that you should use different Codes in the Payment Modes and Payment Terms settings. For example, if you have used "C" as a Code in both settings and you enter it to the Payment Terms field in a Purchase Invoice, it will be treated as a reference to the Payment Term and not to the Payment Mode. Consequently, the Invoice Number will not be changed as expected and, depending on the nature of the Payment Term, the Purchase Invoice might not be treated as paid.
- If you are not using this option, any number sequences that you may enter in the From and To fields on flip C of the Payment Modes setting will not be used in Cash In and Cash Out records and Personnel Payments, and the number sequences in the appropriate Number Series setting will be used instead. It is recommended that you do not define number sequences in the Payment Modes setting if you are not using this option. It is also recommended that you do not use this option if you will be using the 'Cash In' and 'Cash Out' Create menu functions. These functions gather all cash transactions together in the Cash In and Cash Out registers, thereby achieving the use of common number sequences using a different route.
- Post VAT
- When you mark Cash In and Cash Out records as OK and save, they will usually cause Nominal Ledger Transactions to be created (if so determined in the Sub Systems setting in the Nominal Ledger and in the relevant Payment Mode or Number Series setting). If you need these Transactions to include a separate VAT element, select this option. The Account used for this VAT posting will be determined by the VAT Code specified in the Cash In or Cash Out record (you can specify a default VAT Code in the field above).
- This option has no effect in the case of Cash In and Cash Out records created from Invoices, Purchase Invoices, Receipts and Payments. VAT will already have been posted from the originating Invoices (and from Receipts and Payments if you are using the Post Receipt VAT and Post Payment VAT options respectively), so VAT will not be posted again from the consequent cash transactions.
- Separate Row per Cash Out Row on Bank A/C
- If you enter a Cash Out record using several rows on the 'Payments' card, the resulting Nominal Ledger Transaction will usually contain a single credit posting to the Bank or Cash Account from the Payment Mode. Select this option if you would like such Transactions to contain separate credit postings for each row.
- This option has no effect on Nominal Ledger Transactions created from Cash In records, which will always include separate debit postings to the Bank or Cash Account for each row.
- Cash Collection
- You can enter cash transactions directly to the Cash In and Cash Out registers, and you can also create them from Invoices and Purchase Invoices using the 'Cash In' and 'Cash Out' functions on the respective Create menus. In this second case, you can create cash transactions from Invoices of all kinds. If you would like to be able to create them from Cash Notes (Invoices with Payment Terms of the "Cash" type) only, select this option.
- You can also create cash transactions from Receipts and Payments using similar 'Cash In' and 'Cash Out' functions. Again, you can create cash transactions from Receipts and Payments of all kinds. If this option is selected, you will only be able to create them from Receipts and Payments with Payment Modes of the "Cash" type.
- The Cash Collection option will also stop you from creating more than one cash transaction from an Invoice, Receipt or Payment, it will prevent you from changing the value of the cash transaction record (i.e. the values of the Invoice, Receipt or Payment and its corresponding cash transaction record must be the same), and it will also prevent you from deleting the cash transaction after you have saved it for the first time.
- The Cash Collection option also affects the Form Template that will be used when you print cash transactions. Please refer to the Printing Cash Transactions page for details.
- Payment Mode Control
- This option has no effect unless you are also using the Cash Collection option (described above). In addition to the restrictions imposed by the Cash Collection option, selecting the Payment Mode Control option will prevent you from using Payment Terms of the "Cash" Type and "Generate Transactions" Payment Modes in Invoices and Purchase Invoices. Similarly, you will not be able to use "Generate Transactions" Payment Modes in Receipts and Payments. This option should only be used in specialised situations.
- Force Chronology for Cash In/Out
- Selecting this option will prevent you from changing the dates in Cash In and Cash Out records. All cash transactions will therefore use the current date, thus ensuring they are always recorded in date order.
Confirm the entry by clicking the [Save] button (Windows/macOS) or tapping √ (iOS/Android), or cancel it by closing the window using the close box (Windows/macOS) or by tapping < (iOS/Android).
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