Entering a Cash Transaction - Payments Card - Part 2
This page describes the fields on the 'Payments' card in the Cash In and Cash Out windows (apart from the
Type field). Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other parts of the Cash In and Cash Out record windows:
You can use the 'Payments' card in a Cash In or Cash Out record to pay off Sales and Purchase Invoices, providing the payments are made in cash. You can also pay Personnel Payments, Credit and Debit Notes and Prepayments, and reverse Cash In or Cash Out records.
Invoices and Purchase Invoices paid off in this manner will no longer be treated as open, but records in the Receipt or Payment registers will not be created.
As you add rows to the 'Payments' card, the Total and Net fields on the 'Amounts' card will be updated automatically.

Flip A
- Type
- Please refer here for details about the Type field.
- Number
- Paste Special
Depends on the Type
- If the Type (above) is "Invoice" or "Credit Purchase Invoice" (in a Cash In record), or "Purchase Invoice" or "Credit Invoice" (in a Cash Out record), enter the Sales or Purchase Invoice Number of the Invoice to be paid off or choose an Invoice Number using 'Paste Special'. When you press the Tab or Enter key, its Customer or Supplier Number will appear in the Company field, and the outstanding amount will be placed in the Sum field.
- If the Type is "Prepayment from Customer" (in a Cash In record) or "Prepayment to Supplier" (in a Cash Out record), you must enter a Prepayment Number here. This can be a number of your own generation, the number allocated to the prepayment by the Customer or Supplier or, preferably, the number of the Sales or Purchase Order against which the deposit has been received/issued. In the last case, if you enter the Sales or Purchase Order Number in the Order field to the right, it will be copied here automatically.
- If the Type is "Rev. Prep to Supplier" (in a Cash In record) or "Rev. Prep from Customer" (in a Cash Out record), enter the Prepayment Number of the Prepayment that you need to reverse, choosing one using 'Paste Special' if necessary.
- If the Type is "Cheque" (in a Cash In record) or "Cheque" or "Own Cheque" (in a Cash Out record), enter the Serial Number of the Cheque or Own Cheque, choosing one using 'Paste Special' if necessary.
- In all cases, when you press the Tab or Enter key, its Customer or Supplier Number will appear in the Company field, and the outstanding or open value will be placed in the Sum field. The Customer or Supplier and Address will also be placed in the appropriate fields on the 'Amounts' card.
- Order
- Paste Special
Sales or Purchase Orders
- If the Type is "Prepayment from Customer" (in a Cash In record) or "Prepayment to Supplier" (in a Cash Out record) and the cash transaction will register the receiving or issuing of a cash deposit connected to a Sales or Purchase Order, enter the Sales or Purchase Order Number here. When you press the Tab or Enter key, the Sales or Purchase Order Number will be copied to the Number field as a default Prepayment Number, the Customer or Supplier Number will appear in the Company field, and the value of the Order less any previous Prepayments will be placed in the Sum field. The Customer or Supplier and Address will also be placed in the appropriate fields on the 'Amounts' card.
- Company
- Once you have entered a Sales or Purchase Invoice Number, Prepayment Number or Serial Number of a Cheque or Own Cheque in the Number field or a Sales or Purchase Order Number in the Order field, the relevant Customer or Supplier will be shown here. This can't be changed.
- If the Type is "Prepayment from Customer" or "Prepayment to Supplier" and you have not entered a Sales or Purchase Order Number in the Order field, you must specify the Customer from whom you received the cash deposit or the Supplier to whom you issued it.
- Sum
- Enter the value of the cash payment, including VAT if appropriate. As you add rows to the 'Payments' card, the Total and Net fields on the 'Amounts' card will be updated automatically.
Flip B
- Expense A/C
- Paste Special
Expense Accounts setting, Cash Book module
- Enter an Expense Account, if different from the Expense Account entered on the 'Amounts' card. This allows different cash payments in the same cash transaction to be credited (Cash In) or debited (Cash Out) to different Accounts.
- Please refer to the description of the Expense A/C field on the 'Amounts' card for more details.
- Pay, Mode
- Paste Special
Payment Modes setting, Sales/Purchase Ledger, Cash Book module
- Enter a Payment Mode, if different from the Payment Mode entered on the 'Amounts' card. This allows different cash payments in the same cash transaction to be debited (Cash In) or credited (Cash Out) to different Bank Accounts.
- Please refer to the description of the Pay. Mode field on the 'Amounts' card for more details.
- Comment
- Use this field to record notes about the cash payment. If you specify an Expense Account in the field to the left, the Comment from the Expense Account record will be brought in automatically.
- Any Comment that you enter here will be included in the Description in the posting to the Account from the Expense Account record in the resulting Nominal Ledger Transaction.
Flip C (Cash Out only)
- Identifier
- Enter the Supplier's VAT Reg. No. from the supporting receipt or invoice or other identifying information. This is for information only.
- Supplier Name
- If the Type on flip A is "Cash Out", the Supplier's Name will be brought in to this field when you specify a Supplier in the field to the left or the Company field on flip A.
- Document No.
- If a cash payment is supported by a receipt or invoice, enter the receipt or invoice number here. This is for information only.
- V-Cd
- Paste Special
VAT Codes setting, Nominal Ledger
- Enter a VAT Code here if you need VAT to calculated on a cash payment. The VAT Code will be copied to the 'Amounts' card where the VAT value will be displayed. Each row should contain the same VAT Code.
- If you need VAT postings to be included in Nominal Ledger Transactions generated from Cash Out records, select the Post VAT option in the Cash Book Settings setting. The VAT will be debited to the input Account specified for the VAT Code record. The Nominal Ledger Transaction will not include a VAT element if you have not selected the Post VAT option.
The Cash In and Cash Out registers (Cash Transactions) in Standard ERP:
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