
Entering a Production Order

You will probably create Production Orders in three ways:
  1. The 'Create Planned Records' Maintenance function in the Production and Sales Orders modules will create Production Orders to schedule the assembly of Output Items that you have sold in advance. To be sold in advance, the Output Item must be included in a Sales Order with a Planned Delivery Date.

  2. You can use the Sales Forecast register in the MRP module to predict the future monthly sales of Output Items. From a Sales Forecast record, you can create a Production Plan for each month, and from there you can use the 'Create Productions' Maintenance function to schedule the assembly of the Items that you expect to sell.

  3. You can enter Production Orders yourself.
You can decide whether the Maintenance functions mentioned in points 1 and 2 will create Productions or Production Orders, using the Generate Planned options in the Production Settings setting.

To open the Production Order register, ensure you are in the Production module and click the [Production Orders] button in the Master Control panel. The 'Production Orders: Browse' window is opened, showing Production Orders already entered.

The Status column is blank for Created Productions or shows "√" for Cancelled and Finished Productions and blank for other Production Orders. You can set this Status for each Production Order using the options in the header of the Production Order screen.

As in all browse windows you may sort the list by clicking on the column headings. To reverse any sort, simply click once again on the column heading. You can also scroll the list with the scroll bars. Finally, you can search for a record by entering a keyword in the field in the top right-hand corner. When you press the Return or Enter key, the first record with a match for the keyword in the current sort column will be highlighted.

To enter a new Production Order, click [New] in the Button Bar or use the Ctrl-N (Windows and Linux) or ⌘-N (Mac OS X) keyboard shortcut. Alternatively, highlight a Production Order similar to the one you want to enter and click [Duplicate] on the Button Bar.

The 'Production Order: New' window is opened, empty if you clicked [New] or containing a duplicate of the highlighted Production Order.

Since the amount of information stored about each Production Order will not fit on a single screen, the Production Order window has been divided into four cards. At the top of each is the header. There are four named buttons ('tabs') in the header.

By clicking the tabs you can navigate between cards. The header is always visible, as a reminder of the Production Order you are working with.


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