Entering a Reservation Quotation - Booking Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Booking' card in the Reservation Quotation record window. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other parts of the Reservation Quotation record window:

- Check In
- Paste Special
Choose date
- Specify here the date when the Guests are planning to check in to the hotel.
- If you create Reservations from a Reservation Quotation, one Group Reservation will be created, and individual Reservations will be created from each row in the Quotation. The Check In Date specified here will be copied to each individual Reservation. If you need an individual Reservation to be created with a different Check In Date, add a row to the 'Pricing' card in the Quotation with that Check In Date specified on flip C.
- Check In Time
- Default taken from
Hotel Settings (Check In Time)
- As described above, the Check In Time specified here will be copied to each individual Reservation that you create from the Quotation. If you need an individual Reservation to be created with a different Check In Time, add a row to the 'Pricing' card in the Quotation with that Check In Time specified on flip C. Specifying a Check In Time will be most useful for Rooms that are charged by the hour.
- Nights
- Specify here how many nights the Guests are planning to stay in the hotel.
- Whenever you change the number of nights, the Check Out Date will be updated automatically. Similarly, if you change the Check Out Date, the number of nights will be updated automatically.
- Room Location
- Paste Special
Room Locations setting, Hotel module
- If you have more than one hotel location e.g. more than one building, specify here the Location where the Guests are planning to stay. If Guests are planning to stay in more than one Location, you will need to enter separate Reservation Quotations for each one.
- As mentioned above, if you createcreate Reservations) from a Reservation Quotation, one Group Reservation will be created, and individual Reservations will be created from each row in the Quotation. The Location that you specify here will be copied to the Group Reservation. When assigning Rooms to the individual Reservations, you will only be able to assign Rooms in the specified Location.
- Check Out
- Paste Special
Choose date
- Specify here the date when the Guests are planning to check out from the hotel.
- Whenever you change the Check Out Date, the number of nights will be updated automatically. Similarly, if you change the number of nights, the Check Out Date will be updated automatically.
- As described above, the Check Out Date specified here will be copied to each individual Reservation that you create from the Quotation. If you need an individual Reservation to be created with a different Check Out Date, add a row to the 'Pricing' card in the Quotation with that Check Out Date specified on flip C.
- Check Out Time
- Default taken from
Hotel Settings (Check Out Time)
- As described above, the Check Out Time specified here will be copied to each individual Reservation that you create from the Quotation. If you need an individual Reservation to be created with a different Check Out Time, add a row to the 'Pricing' card in the Quotation with that Check Out Time specified on flip C.
- Std. Text
- Paste Special
Standard Text register, CRM module
- If you enter the code of a Standard Text record in this field, the text from the Standard Text record will be copied to the Text field on the 'Information' card. This text will be printed on Reservation Quotation forms if you have included the 'Text' field in the Form Template.
- [Availability] button
- The Available field in the matrix on the 'Pricing' card will show the number of Rooms with the specified Room Type that are available between the Check In and Check Out Dates. The figures in the Available field will become out-of-date as Reservations are placed, so you can press this button to bring in the current figures.
- Pressing this button will have no effect in a Reservation Quotation that you have marked as OK, as Reservations will have been created from the Quotation.
The Reservation Quotation register in Standard ERP:
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