Hotel Cash Register
This page describes the Hotel Cash Register report in the Hotel module.
The Hotel Cash Register report is a list of Cash Notes (Invoices with "Cash" Payment Terms), rows in Receipts and, if you have selected the Include open Invoices option, all other Invoices dated during the report period. All Receipts and Invoices will be included, not just those connected with the Hotel module. One use for this report will be for each Person to list the Cash Notes and Receipts that they have entered during their work shift (i.e. to list the monies that they received during their shift).

- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- The report will list Cash Notes (Invoices with "Cash" Payment Terms), rows in Receipts and, if you have selected the Include open Invoices option, all other Invoices dated during the period that you specify here.
- Person
- Paste Special
Person register, System module and Global User register, Technics module
- If you need the report to list Invoices and rows from Receipts with a particular Salesman, enter that Salesman's Signature here. The Receipt record does not have a visible Salesman field, but there is a hidden field that contains the Signature of the user who created the Receipt.
- This field allows a Person to produce a report listing the Cash Notes and Receipts that they have entered during their work shift.
- Payment Mode
- Paste Special
Payment Modes setting, Sales/Purchase Ledger
- If you need the report to list Receipt rows with a particular Payment Mode, specify that Payment Mode here. If you have not specified a Payment Mode in an individual Receipt row, that row will be included in the report if the Payment Mode in the header of the Receipt is the one that you specify here.
- If you have used the same Code for Payment Terms and Payment Modes, Invoices with Payment Terms that match the Payment Mode that you specify here will also be included in the report.
- Min Invoice No.
- Enter an Invoice Number here if you only need Invoices with higher Invoice Numbers to be listed in the report.
- Min Receipt No.
- Enter a Receipt Number here if you only need rows from Receipts with higher Receipt Numbers to be listed in the report.
- Include open Invoices
- By default, the report will list Cash Notes (Invoices with "Cash" Payment Terms) and rows in Receipts. The Cash Notes will be marked "Pre.", and the Receipt rows will be marked "Paid":

A second section will summarise the Receipt rows showing how much has been paid using each Payment Mode. Invoices in which the Payment Term is the same as a Payment Mode will be included in these totals.
- If you select this option, all other Invoices will be included, also marked "Pre.":

Invoices that were created from Reservations will be shown with the relevant Reservation Numbers in the "Res. No." column. This column will also contain Prepayment Numbers for Receipt rows that are Prepayments.
- Function
- As described above, the default version of the report (the Detailed version) will include Cash Notes, Receipt rows and, if you have selected the Include open Invoices option, all other Invoices. There will then be a second section that summarises the Receipt rows showing how much has been paid using each Payment Mode.
- The Overview version of the report will only contain the section with the Payment Mode summary:

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