Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Rental >> Rental Quotation Register Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 8.5 Introduction to the Rental Quotation Register An optional step in the rental process is to issue a Rental Quotation to a Customer. The Rental Quotation can include quoted rates for renting Items and if necessary sales prices for Items that the Customer will purchase as part of the agreement. When the Customer accepts the Quotation, you can create an Agreement and suitable Rental Reservations from the Quotation and from there follow the rental process as usual.After entering a Quotation, you can proceed as follows:
To search for a particular record, first sort the list by the column that you want to use for the search. Then, enter the text that you want to find in the Search field in the top of the window (in the top right-hand corner if you are using Windows/macOS) and press the Return key (macOS) or Search (iOS/Android). The first record containing a match for your search string will be highlighted (if you are using Windows, a match will be highlighted as you type each character). For example, to search for Rental Quotations with a particular Start Date, sort by Start before entering the Date (or the first few characters) in the Search field. The Rental Quotation register in Standard ERP:
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