Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Hooldusteenindus >> Teenindustellimuste register Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 8.5 Create Menu - Service Order - Purchase Order This page describes the 'Purchase Order' function on the Create menu in the Service Order record window. If you are using iOS or Android, the 'Purchase Order' function is on the + menu.--- If you need to create a Purchase Order for the spare parts listed in a Service Order, open the Service Order in a record window and select 'Purchase Order' from the Create menu (Windows/macOS) or + menu (iOS/Android). For the function to create a Purchase Order successfully, the following conditions must be met:
The order quantity for each Item will be the quantity in the Service Order row or the Minimum Order quantity in the Default Purchase Item, whichever is the greater. If there is no Minimum Order quantity in the Default Purchase Item, but there is a Normal Order quantity, then the quantity on the Purchase Order will be the Service Order quantity or the Normal Order quantity, whichever is the greater. Current stock levels will not be taken into account. The Cost Price for each Item will be taken from the Default Purchase Item. The Tags/Objects in the Purchase Order will be taken from the 'Terms' card in the Service Order. The Purchase Order(s) will be connected to the Service Order using the field on the 'Del. Terms' card, and the Purchase Order(s) and the Service Order will also be connected to each other through the Link Manager. Note that you will be able to create more than one Purchase Order for the same Items from a Service Order. You can print the Purchase Orders thus created individually using the Printer icon (Windows/macOS) or by selecting 'Print' from the File menu (all platforms) or as a group using the 'Forms' function in the Purchase Orders module. You can then go on to process these Purchase Orders in the normal way, creating Goods Receipts and Purchase Invoices. The Service Order and the Purchase Order will be connected to each other through the Link Manager facility. This allows you to open the Service Order quickly and easily when reviewing the Purchase Order, and to open the Purchase Order from the Service Order. Please refer here for a full description of the Purchase Order screen, including detailed information about printing, and about creating Goods Receipts and Purchase Invoices. --- The Service Order register in Standard ERP: