Entering a Work Order - Date Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Date' card in the Work Order record window. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

- Employee
- Paste Special
Person register, System module and Global User register, Technics module
- The Signature of the Person responsible for a Work Order will appear here with their name in the Employee Name field to the right. You will assign Work Orders to employees or technicians when you create them, and you will be able to re-assign individual Work Orders at any later points.
- Employee Signatures are visible in a sortable column in the 'Work Orders: Browse' window so technicians will be able to monitor this window to become aware of new Work Orders for which they are to be responsible.
- Date
- Paste Special
Choose date
- The date when you created the Work Order.
- Deadline
- Record here the latest time by which the repair should be completed. The Planned Delivery date in the originating Service Order will be copied here as a default. The Deadline will be shown in the 'Work Orders: Browse' window to help with the prioritisation of jobs.
- Planned Time
- You can use this field to record an estimate of the length of time needed to complete the entire Work Order. A separate Planned Time field on flip A of the 'Items' card allows you to divide this overall time between the repair Items listed in the Work Order.
- Employee Name
- The name of the Person responsible for the Work Order.
- Our Reference
- Use this field if you need to identify the Work Order by means other than the Order Number. The default will be taken from the originating Service Order.
- Attention
- Paste Special
Contact Persons in the Contact register
- Default taken from Service Order
- Record here the name of your contact in the Customer company, for whose attention any paperwork is to be marked. This information will be transferred to any Work Sheets that you generate from the Work Order.
- Tags/Objects
- Paste Special
Tag/Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- The Tags/Objects here will be copied from the originating Service Order, and will be copied to any Work Sheets that you create from the Work Order. In the Nominal Ledger Transactions generated from those Work Sheets, these Tags/Objects will be assigned to the debit posting to the Stock Cost Account.
- If you change the Employee, the Tag/Object specified in the Person record of the new Employee will be copied here.
- Serv. Order No.
- The number of the Service Order from which you created the Work Order. This field cannot be changed.
- Reg. Date, Reg. Time
- These fields will be filled in automatically when a Work Order is saved for the first time, so they record the date and time when a Work Order was added to your Standard ERP database. They are read-only fields.
- Status
- At any time a Work Order can be in one of four states, to help with the work flow and for reporting purposes. These states are as follows:
- Issued
- When you create a Work Order from a Service Order, it will be marked as Issued.
- Cancelled
- If you create a Work Order in error or if a Customer cancels a job before work has started, you should change the Status of the Work Order to Cancelled to signify that no work should be carried out. You cannot cancel a Work Order that has been Started.
- Started
- As soon as work starts, the Status of the Work Order should be changed to Started. You can do this yourself, or it will be done automatically when you create the first Work Sheet.
- If you will need to create a Purchase Order from a Work Order, you must mark the Work Order as Started first.
- Finished
- When work has finished and you have marked the final Work Sheet as OK, you should change the Status of the Work Order to Finished. You must mark all connected Work Sheets as OK before you can mark a Work Order as Finished.
- You cannot create Work Sheets or Activities from Work Orders that have been marked as Cancelled or Finished.
- You must mark all Work Orders as Cancelled or Finished before you can mark the parent Service Order as Completed.
The Work Order register in Standard ERP:
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