Entering a Work Sheet - Date Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Date' card in the Work Sheet record window. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

- Employee
- Paste Special
Person register, System module and Global Users register, Technics module
- Enter here the Signature of the Person who will carry out the work represented by the Work Sheet. Their name will be placed in the Name field to the right.
- In a Work Sheet that you create from a Work Order, the Employee in the Work Order will be copied here as a default. In a Work Sheet that you create from a Service Order, your Signature as current user will be the default.
- Employee Signatures are visible in a sortable column in the 'Work Sheets: Browse' window so technicians will be able to monitor this window to become aware of new Work Sheets for which they are to be responsible.
- Date
- Paste Special
Choose date
- The date of the Work Sheet. The default value is the date when you created the Work Sheet, but you can change this if necessary.
- If you are using the Disallow creating new records with trans. dates later than current date option in the Locking setting in the System module, you will not be able to save a Work Sheet if its Date is in the future.
- Location
- Paste Special
Locations setting, Service Orders/Stock module
- If the Stocked Items that you list on the 'Items' card (i.e. the spare parts that you will use in the repair) are to be taken from a particular Location, specify that Location here. Otherwise, stock from all Locations will be available.
- If you are using the Require Location option in the Stock Settings setting, this field must contain a value.
- In a Work Sheet that you enter directly to the Work Sheet register, a default Location will be brought in from the 'Sales' card of the your Person record as the current user or from the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module. The Local Machine setting is specific to the client machine you are working on. In a Work Sheet that you create from a Service Order, the default will again be taken from the your Person record or it will be the Main Location specified in the Stock Settings setting. In a Work Sheet that you create from a Work Order, the default will be taken from the Person record of the Employee specified in the Work Order or it will be the Main Location specified in the Stock Settings setting.
- If the 'Item Status' window is open, the quantities it shows will refer to the Location specified here. If you have not specified a Location, the quantities will refer to all Locations. This will be the case even if you have specified a Main Location in the Stock Settings setting.
- You can prevent the current user from using a particular Location, using the Order Reserv. Access field in their Person record. If the current user specifies a Location that they should not use, the message "You are not allowed to withdraw any items from this location." will appear when they try to save the Invoice. Please refer here for more details about this feature.
- Short Code
- Paste Special
Account Short Codes setting, Nominal Ledger
- You can use Short Codes to help reduce errors when selecting Accounts and Tags/Objects. You can also use them if you do not want the members of staff who work with Work Sheets to have any access to the Account and Tag/Object registers (which means that they will not be able to use 'Paste Special' to choose Accounts and Tags/Objects). Enter a Short Code here to bring in the appropriate Cost A/C and Tags/Object(s).
- Employee Name
- The name of the Person responsible for the Work Sheet.
- Attention
- Paste Special
Contact Persons in the Contact register
- Default taken from Work Order or Service Order
- Record here the name of your contact in the Customer company, for whose attention any paperwork is to be marked.
- Cost A/C
- Paste Special
Account register, System module/Nominal Ledger
- The default debit Account for the Work Sheet. You can specify a Cost Account in any of the Work Sheets rows (on flip E), to override the one entered here. The default is the appropriate Cost A/C Account specified in the Account Usage Stock setting for the VAT Zone in the Work Sheet.
- You can bring in a Cost Account by specifying an Account Short Code in the Short Code field to the left.
- You can use Access Groups to prevent certain users from changing the Cost A/C in Work Sheets. To do this, deny them access to the 'Editing Cost Account on Work Sheet' Action.
- Tags/Objects
- Paste Special
Tag/Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- Default taken from Work Order or Service Order
- You can assign up to 20 Tags/Objects, separated by commas, to a Work Sheet and all transactions generated from it. You might define separate Tags/Objects to represent different departments, cost centres or product types. This provides a flexible method of analysis that can be used in Nominal Ledger reports.
- By default, the Tags/Objects specified here will be assigned to the debit posting to the Cost Account (Cost of Sales Account) in the Nominal Ledger Transaction generated from a Work Sheet. They will also be assigned to the credit posting to the Stock Account if you are using the Tag/Object on Stock Account option in the Cost Accounting setting in the Stock module.
- If you are using the Skip Header A/C Tags/Objects on Sales and COS A/C option in the Account Usage S/L setting in the Sales Ledger, these Tags/Objects will not be assigned to either posting.
- If you are using the Work Sheet Tag/Object on Invoice option in the Account Usage Service Order setting, these Tags/Objects will copied to each row in the Invoice that results from the Work Sheet (together with the Tags/Objects in the originating Work Sheet row). From there, they will be assigned to the credit postings to the Sales Accounts in the resulting Nominal Ledger Transactions.
- You can bring in a Tag/Object by specifying an Account Short Code in the field immediately to the left.
- Serv. Order No.
- If you are entering a Work Sheet directly to the Work Sheet register yourself, specify a Service Order Number in this field to connect the new Work Sheet to a Service Order. You will not be able to save the Work Sheet until you have specified either a Service Order Number or a Work Order Number in the field below. You cannot connect a Work Sheet to a Service Order that you have marked as Completed.
- Entering a Service Order Number will cause Customer and other information to be brought in automatically from the Service Order.
- Note that there is no 'Paste Special' link from this field, so take care to ensure you enter the correct Service Order Number.
- In a Work Sheet that you created from a Service Order or a Work Order, the Service Order Number will be placed here automatically and should not be changed.
- There is no limit to the number of Work Sheets that can be connected to a particular Service Order.
- Work Order No.
- If you are entering a Work Sheet directly to the Work Sheet register yourself, specify a Work Order Number in this field to connect the new Work Sheet to a Work Order. You will not be able to save the Work Sheet until you have specified either a Work Order Number or a Service Order Number in the field above. You cannot connect a Work Sheet to a Work Order that you have marked as Finished.
- Note that there is no 'Paste Special' link from this field, so take care to ensure you enter the correct Work Order Number.
- In a Work Sheet that you created from a Work Order, the Work Order Number will be placed here automatically and should not be changed.
- There is no limit to the number of Work Sheets that can be connected to a particular Work Order.
- Update Stock
- This option will be selected by default in each new Work Sheet if you have selected the Work Sheet Update Stock option in the Account Usage Service Order setting. By default you will not be able to override the default setting in an individual Work Sheet: if you need particular users to be able to do this, assign them to Access Groups in which you have granted Full access to the 'Change Update Stock Flag on Work Sheet' Action.
- If the Update Stock option is selected in a Work Sheet, marking the Work Sheet as OK and saving will have the following consequences:
- The stock level of each Stocked Item in the Work Sheet will be reduced by the appropriate quantity. It is recommended that you also use the Do Not Allow Over Delivery option in the Stock Settings setting in the Stock module, as this will ensure that stock levels will be checked whenever you save a Work Sheet, and will prevent saving if you have insufficient stock for the quantity used.
- A Nominal Ledger Transaction will be created from the Work Sheet (providing you have also selected the Work Sheets option in the Sub Systems setting in the Nominal Ledger). This Transaction will contain the necessary Cost of Sales postings to update the Nominal Ledger stock valuation to reflect the removal from stock of the Stocked Items used in the Work Sheet.
- The Cost of Sales postings will depend on the Cost of Sales Posting option that you have selected in the Cost Accounting setting in the Stock module, as follows:
- From Deliveries
- Cost of Sales postings will be included in the Nominal Ledger Transactions created from Work Sheets. A Cost of Sales Account will be debited and a Stock Account will be credited.
- From Invoices (no posting from Deliveries)
- If you are using the From Invoices (no posting from Deliveries) option, you should select the Work Sheet Update Stock option, but you should not select the Work Sheets option in the Sub Systems setting in the Nominal Ledger. Selecting the Work Sheet Update Stock option will mean that stock levels of the Stocked Items in Work Sheets will be reduced by the appropriate quantity. Not selecting the Work Sheets option in the Sub Systems setting will prevent Cost of Sales from being posted twice.
- From Invoices with Accrual from Deliveries
- The posting of Cost of Sales, will be a two-stage process. The Nominal Ledger Transactions created from Work Sheets will include debit postings to a Cost of Sales Accruals Account and credit postings to a Stock Account. The Nominal Ledger Transactions created from Invoices will credit the Cost of Sales Accruals Account and debit a Cost of Sales Account.
- You can optionally specify dedicated Service Invoiceable Cost, Service Warranty Cost, Service Contract Cost and Service Goodwill Cost Account fields in your Item or Item Group records. These Accounts will be used in place of the standard Cost Accounts in Cost of Sales postings originating from Work Sheets. The choice of Service Cost Account will depend on the Item Type specified on flip B of the Work Sheet row. For example, if the Item Type is "Warranty", the Service Warranty Cost Account will be debited. If the Item Type is "Goodwill", the Service Goodwill Cost Account will be debited. If you specified that Cost of Sales postings will be made from Invoices with Accruals from Deliveries, it is particularly important that you specify Service Warranty Cost, Service Contract Cost and Service Goodwill Cost Accounts because otherwise costs from Warranty, Contract and Goodwill Work Sheets will not be posted correctly, because these Work Sheets will not be invoiced.
- If you have not specified Service Cost Accounts in the Item record or in the Item Group, then Cost Accounts for spare parts and other Stocked Items used in Work Sheets will be chosen in the same way as in other removals from stock (e.g. Deliveries and Invoices) i.e. they will be chosen as described here.
- Reserved
- Tick this box if you have some or all of the Items listed on the 'Items' card in stock and you want to reserve them so that they are not sold to other Customers. If you create another Work Sheets (or a Delivery) for the same Items, the quantities available will exclude the reserved units, thus ensuring you maintain sufficient stock for the Work Sheet until you mark it as OK.
- The Reserved check box reserves stock by quantity. So, if you have ten units in stock and you reserve eight, you will only be able to deliver two from other Work Sheets (or other outgoing stock transactions). You can't use this check box to reserve individual Serial Numbers.
The Work Sheet register in Standard ERP:
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