
Operations Menu - Add Labour

You will usually need to use this function if you have used the Time options in the Production Settings setting to choose that you will record Actual Time against Production Operations. In this case, you will use the ''Create Activity' function to create Activities that will record the time spent working on the Production Operation. You should then use this function to bring the time represented by those Activities into the Production Operation. When you select this function, an extra row will be added to the Production Operation. This row will contain the Labour Cost Item specified in the Production Settings setting. The In Qty of this row (number of hours) will be the total Cost (Time) of the Activities, and the Unit Cost will be the Work Cost per Hour (also specified in the Production Settings setting).

When you mark the Production Operation as Finished, the value of this row (In Qty x Unit Cost) will be credited to a Work Cost Account. The choice of this Account(s) that will be credited with these running costs will depend on whether you are using the Use Item Groups for Cost Accounts option in the Cost Accounting setting in the Stock module. If you are, and the Labour Cost Item belongs to an Item Group in which you have specified a Production W-cost Account, this Accounts will be used. If you are not using this option or the Item Group does not have a Production W-cost Account, the W-cost Account will be taken from the Account Usage Stock setting.

If you are recording Fixed Time against Production Operations, you will usually not need to use this function. But you can still use it together with the 'Create Activity' function as described if you need to add an extra cost to a particular Production Operation.

If you use the 'Add Labour' function and no extra row is added to the Production Operation, the probable causes are:

  1. You have not specified a Labour Cost Item in the Production Settings setting.

  2. You have not created any Activities from the Production Operation, or the Activities that you have created have not been marked as Done.

  3. The Status of the Production Operation is not Created or Started.

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