Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> System >> Settings Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 8.5 Access Groups - Block Accounts This page describes the Block Accounts field in the Access Group record. Please refer to the following pages for more details about other aspects of Access Groups:
You can use the Block A/Cs field in an Access Group to prevent details of particular Accounts being shown in the Account Reconciliation and Nominal Ledger reports when they are produced by members of the Access Group. It will also prevent details of those Accounts being shown in the Account Reconciliation window. For example, you can use this field to prevent members of the Access Group seeing the details of salary payments when carrying out bank reconciliation. You can enter a range of Accounts, a number of individual Accounts separated by commas, or a number of ranges of Accounts, again separated by commas. If you need to use 'Paste Special" to enter several Accounts, type the comma or colon before opening the 'Paste Special' list. This will cause Standard ERP to add the next Account to those already entered. Otherwise, the previous Account will be overwritten. Please refer to the following pages for more information about Access Groups:
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