Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> System >> Exports Eelmine Järgmine Prindi kogu peatükk Otsi Juhend HansaWorld Enterprise'i versioonile 8.5 Company Text Backup, Database Text Backup This page describes the 'Company Text Backup' and 'Database Text Backup' Export functions in the System module.--- The 'Company Text Backup' and especially the 'Database Text Backup' functions provide you with an effective way to back up your data. They copy all data from the database to a separate file. Another way to create a back-up would be to copy or duplicate the database file (Hansa.HDB) on your hard disk, but using the 'Database Text Backup' function method has two advantages:
Please refer to the Text Back-ups page for details about using the 'Company Text Backup' and 'Database Text Backup' functions to create text back-up files. --- Go back to: