
Transaction Registers

This page describes the 'Transaction Registers' Export function in the Integration module.


The 'Transaction Registers' Export function in the Integration module is able to export records from the transaction registers in Standard ERP. If you need to export records from a particular time period from these registers, use the 'Transaction Registers (Period)' Export function, also in the Integration module.

This function will create a file with the appropriate format for importing in to a new Company or database, which you can do using the 'Automatic' or 'Manual file search' Import functions in the System module (described earlier in this manual).

As the 'Specify Transaction Registers' window only allows you to export records from a single register, the file will contain a single section for that register. You can produce an Export/Import Format report in the Technics module if you need to see the format (field order) that will be used for each register. To produce this report for a single register or setting, enter one of the following values in the Vc (View Code) field:

Register or SettingVc (View Code)
Asset Disposals AT2WrofVc
Asset Revaluations AT2DprVc
Asset Status AT2TakeVc
Bar Tabs RestAccVc
Cash In CLInVc
Cash Out CLOutVc
Contracts COVc
Contract Quotations CQVc
Customs DeclarationsCustomsVc
Deliveries SHVc
Goods Receipts PUVc
Expenses ExpVc
Own ChequesOwnCheckVc
Internal Orders IntORVc
Invoices IVVc
Orders ORVc
Payments OPVc
Personnel Payments PPVc
POS Balances POSBalanceVc
POS Invoices IVCashVc
Production Operations ProdOperationsVc
Production Orders ProdOrdersVc
Productions ProdVc
Purchase Invoices VIVc
Purchase Order Qtns POQTVc
Purchase Orders POVc
Quotations QTVc
Shipment Notifications DropShipVc
Receipts IPVc
Returned Goods RetVc
Returned Goods to Supp. RetPUVc
Service Stock Trans SVGMVc
Service Orders SVOVc
Simulations SMVc
Stock Depreciations SDVc
Stock Movements StockMovVc
Stock Revaluations SRVc
Stocktakings StockTakeVc
Time Sheets TSVc
Transactions TRVc
Work Orders WOVc
Work Sheets WSVc

Please refer to the Exporting Settings and Registers - Index page for a list of the Export functions that you can use to export information from other settings and registers.

To use the 'Transaction Registers' Export function, you must log in as a Global User or Person whose Access Group explicitly grants full access to the Integration module. Ensure you are in the Integration module and open the 'Exports' list by clicking the [Routines] button in the Navigation Centre and the [Exports] button in the subsequent 'Routines' window. Then double-click 'Transaction Registers' in the 'Exports' list to open the 'Specify Transaction Registers' window:

Range Reporting    Numeric
Use this field if you need to export a specific record or records from the register that you select below. For example, to export a particular Invoice, enter the relevant Invoice Number here and select the Invoices option. To export a range of Quotations, enter the Quotation Numbers of the first and last Quotations in the range separated by a colon (:) and select the Quotations option.

Backup Comment
Enter a short comment describing the content of the export file (up to 40 characters are permitted) . This description will be saved in the exported file so, if you use the 'Automatic' Import function in the System module to import the resulting file to another Company or database, this description will be shown in the list of importable files.

Radio Buttons
Select one of these options to specify the register from where records are to be exported.
Click the [Run] button to proceed, or cancel using the close box. After clicking [Run], a dialogue box will open, where you can name the export file and specify where it is to be saved

Enter a name for the file, and click [Save] or press the Enter key. If you are exporting with the intention of importing the information into another Standard ERP database or Company using the 'Automatic' and 'Manual file search' Import routines, do not name the file with two leading minus signs/hyphens (e.g. --Data.txt). Information will not be imported from files named in this way.

A message window informs you about the progress of the export process. You can interrupt the process at any time by pressing Esc (Windows) or ⌘-Full Stop (macOS).


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