
Asset N/L Classes - Flip C

This page describes Flip C of the Asset N/L Classes setting in the Assets module. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other parts of the setting:
  • Introduction

  • Flip A - includes Code, Comment, Tags/Objects and Asset Account fields

  • Flip B - includes Depreciation Account fields

  • Flip C - includes Cost Account fields

Depr. Cost, Depr. Cost 2
Paste Special    Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
Specify here the expense Account that is to be debited with the depreciation of members of the Asset Class.

The Depr. Cost Account will be used if you choose to have values calculated using Depreciation Model 1, while the Depr Cost 2 Account will be used with Depreciation Model 2.

Usually these Accounts will be Profit & Loss Accounts.

Depr. Cost Tags/Objects, Depr. Cost 2 Tags/Objects
Paste Special    Tag/Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
Any Tags/Objects that you specify here will be assigned to all postings to the Depr. Cost Account in Depreciation Transactions (in addition to the Tags/Objects in the Tags/Objects field described on flip A and in the Asset itself).

The Depr Cost Tags/Objects will be used if you choose to have values calculated using Depreciation Model 1, while the Depr Cost 2 Tags/Objects will be used with Depreciation Model 2.
The Asset N/L Classes setting:
  • Introduction

  • Flip A - includes Code, Comment, Tags/Objects and Asset Account fields

  • Flip B - includes Depreciation Account fields

  • Flip C - includes Cost Account fields

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