Asset put in use
This page describes the Asset put in use form in the Assets module.
The Asset put in use form provides a more detailed alternative to the Asset Forms form, as it allows you print Asset records with more information, including depreciation history.

- Inventory No.
- Paste Special Asset register, Assets module
- Range Reporting Alpha
- Enter an Inventory Number to print a single Asset record, or a range of Inventory Numbers, separating the first and last number with a colon (:).
- Document Date
- Paste Special
Choose date
- If you specify a date of printing in this field will be printed in the "Year", "Day" and "Month in words" form fields if you have included them in the Form Template design.
- Order No.
- The Order No. that you enter here will be printed in the "Document Number" form field if you have included it in the Form Template design.
- Commission Creation Date
- Paste Special Choose date
- If you specify a Commission Creation Date in this field will be printed in the "Year 2", "Day 2" and "Month in words 2" form fields if you have included them in the Form Template design.
- Commission Member 1, Commission Member 2, Commission Member 3
- Paste Special
Person register, System module and Global User register, Technics module
- The Names of the Persons that you specify in these fields will be printed in the "Commission Member 1", "Commission Member 2" and "Commission Member 3" form fields, while their Job Descriptions will be printed in the "Commission Member Job 1", "Commission Member Job 2" and "Commission Member Job 3" form fields.
- Names will be printed if you specify Global Users in these fields, but for Job Descriptions to be printed you must specify Persons in the current Company.
You can use the fields listed below when you design the Form Template to be used by the Asset put in use form. If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the
Cut Decimals option in the record in the
Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the
Company Info setting.
Header Fields
These fields will be printed once per Asset record.
Field in Form Template | Prints (from Asset record)
| |
Comment | Category |
Comment 2 | Description from the Depreciation Model 1 |
Comment 3 | Description from the Depreciation Model 2 |
Commission Member 1 | Name of the Commission Member 1 that you enter in the 'Specify Asset put in use' window, from their Global User record or from their Person record in the current Company |
Commission Member 2 | Name of the Commission Member 2 that you enter in the 'Specify Asset put in use' window, from their Global User record or from their Person record in the current Company |
Commission Member 3 | Name of the Commission Member 3 that you enter in the 'Specify Asset put in use' window, from their Global User record or from their Person record in the current Company |
Commission Member Job 1 | Job Descr. of the Commission Member 1 that you enter in the 'Specify Asset put in use' window, from their Person record in the current Company (will be blank if the Commission Member 1 is a Global User without a Person record in the current Company) |
Commission Member Job 2 | Job Descr. of the Commission Member 2 that you enter in the 'Specify Asset put in use' window, from their Person record in the current Company (will be blank if the Commission Member 2 is a Global User without a Person record in the current Company) |
Commission Member Job 3 | Job Descr. of the Commission Member 3 that you enter in the 'Specify Asset put in use' window, from their Person record in the current Company (will be blank if the Commission Member 3 is a Global User without a Person record in the current Company) |
Day | Prints the day in the Document Date that you enter in the 'Specify Asset put in use' window. For example, the day from 22/12/2023 will be printed as "22" |
Day 2 | Prints the day in the Commission Creation Date that you enter in the 'Specify Asset put in use' window |
Department | Department |
Depreciation % | 100/Years from the Depreciation Model 1 or, if the Years field is empty, the Depr. % |
Depreciation % Month | Depreciation %/12 |
Depreciation % 2 | 100/Years from the Depreciation Model 2 or, if the Years field is empty, the Depr. % |
Depreciation Value | Depreciation for the first year in the life of the Asset calculated using Depreciation Model 2. This will include any Revaluations that took effect during the first year and that included specifications for Depreciation Model 2 |
Depreciation 2 Year | Depreciation for the first year in the life of the Asset calculated using Depreciation Model 2. This will include any Revaluations that took effect during the first year and that included specifications for Depreciation Model 2 |
Description 1 | Comment |
Document Number | Prints the Order No. that you enter in the 'Specify Asset put in use' window |
End Date | End Date |
Fixed Asset Class | N/L Class from the Asset or, if blank, from the Asset Category to which the Asset belongs |
Fixed Asset Class Name | Comment from the connected Asset N/L Class |
Fixed Asset Code | Inventory No. |
Fixed Asset Group | Category |
Fixed Asset Group Name | Description from the connected Asset Category |
Fixed Asset Name | Description |
Invoice Number | Supp. Inv. No. |
Month in words | Prints the name of the month in the Document Date that you enter in the 'Specify Asset put in use' window, taken from the record in the Days and Months setting in the System module for the Language in the current user's Person record |
Month in words 2 | Prints the name of the month in the Commission Creation Date that you enter in the 'Specify Asset put in use' window, taken from the record in the Days and Months setting in the System module for the Language in the current user's Person record |
Model 1 | Model 1 |
Model 2 | Model 2 |
Period Month | Depreciation life of the Asset, expressed as a number of months and calculated from 100/Years in the Depreciation Model 1 specified in the Asset or, if the Years field is empty, the Depr. % |
Period Year | Depreciation life of the Asset, expressed as a number of years and calculated from 100/Years in the Depreciation Model 1 specified in the Asset or, if the Years field is empty, the Depr. % |
Person Name | Name from the Person record of the Person specified in the most recent Asset Status record that has been marked as OK or on the 'Owner' card |
Production Date | Prod. Date |
Production Year | Prints the year in the Prod. Date. For example, the year from 22/12/2023 will be printed as "2023" |
Purchase Date | Purch. Date |
Purchase Value | Purch. Value (per unit) |
Quantity | Quantity (prints "1.00" if the Quantity field in the Asset record is empty) |
Registration Date | Used from |
Residual Value (resval) | Residual Value |
Responsible Person | Person (from the 'Owner' card) |
Serial Number | Serial No. |
Start Date (startdatum) | Start. Date 1 |
Supplier | Supplier |
Supplier Invoice Number | Purch. Inv. No. |
Supplier Name | Name (i.e. Supplier Name) |
Tag/Object | Tags/Objects |
Used From Date | Used from |
Value revalued | Start. Value 1 in the most recent Asset Revaluation for the Asset or, if the Asset has no Revaluations, the Purch. Value (per unit) from the Asset record |
Warranty | Warranty No. |
Year | Prints the year in the Document Date that you enter in the 'Specify Asset put in use' window. For example, the year from 22/12/2023 will be printed as "2023" |
Year 2 | Prints the year in the Commission Creation Date that you enter in the 'Specify Asset put in use' window |
Asset Class Information
The following fields print information from the Asset Class specified in the Asset. If an Asset Class has not been specified in the Asset, the Asset Class will be taken from the Asset Category to which the Asset belongs.
Field in Form Template | Prints (from Asset Class) |
| |
Asset Account | Asset Account |
Depreciation Code | Acc. Depr Account |
Cost Account | Depr. Cost Account |
Asset Disposal Information
If the Asset has been included in an
Asset Disposal record that has been marked as OK (i.e. if the Asset has been written off or sold), the following fields will print information from the Asset Disposal record:
Field in Form Template | Prints (from Asset Disposal) |
| |
Write off Comment | Comment |
Write off Date | Trans. Date |
Write off Number | Ser. No. (i.e. Asset Disposal Number) |
Department Information
The following fields print information from the record in the
Departments setting for the Department specified in the Asset record.
Field in Form Template | Prints (from Department) |
| |
Department Address | Address. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. |
Department Name | Description |
Row Fields
The following fields print information from the
Asset Transactions that record various events in the life of an Asset. Asset Transactions will be created automatically whenever you create a
Put In Use Transaction for an Asset, when you write off or sell an Asset using the
Disposal register, and when you depreciate an Asset using the
'Create Depreciation Transactions' Maintenance function. In these fields, you should specify a Line Height and set the Format to "Matrix".
Field in Form Template | Prints(from Asset Transaction) |
| |
Document Type | Prints the word or phrase "Depreciation", "Write off" or "Put in use" depending on the Type of the Asset Transaction |
Put In Use Date | Trans. Date, only printed when the Type of the Asset Transaction is "Put in use" |
Put In Use Number | Trans. No., only printed when the Type of the Asset Transaction is "Put in use" |
Residual Value | Accumulating residual value of the Asset. Initially, will print Purch. Value (per unit) - Init. Depr. 1, both from the Asset. As Asset Transactions in which the Type is "Depreciation" or "Write off" are printed, the Amount in those Asset Transactions will be deducted (i.e. for the first "Depreciation" Asset Transaction, prints the Purch. Value (per unit) - Init. Depr. 1 - Amount in that Asset Transaction; for the second line, prints the Purch. Value (per unit) - Init. Depr. 1 - Amount in the first two Asset Transactions, and so on) |
Sum | Amount |
Transaction Date (transdate) | Trans. Date |
Transaction Number | Trans. No. |
Write off Amount | Amount, only printed when the Type of the Asset Transaction is "Write off" |
Write off Date | Trans. Date, only printed when the Type of the Asset Transaction is "Write off" |
Please refer
here for details of the standard fields that you can also include in the Form Template.
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