
Responsible Person List

This page describes the Responsible Person List report in the Assets module.


The Responsible Person List report is a simple list of Assets, showing the Person who is responsible for each one. At the end of the report there is a separate section listing Assets for which no-one is responsible.

Information about who is responsible for an Asset will be taken from the latest Asset Status record of Type "Responsible" that you have marked as OK or, if there are no Asset Status records for the Asset, from the 'Owner' card of the Asset record.

When printed to screen, the Responsible Person List report has the Standard ERP Drill-down feature. Click (Windows/macOS) or tap (iOS/Android) on an Inventory Number in the report to open the corresponding Asset record.

Inventory No.
Paste Special    Asset register, Assets module
Range Reporting    Alpha
If you need a particular Asset to be included in the report, enter its Inventory Number here. You can also enter a range of Inventory Numbers separated by a colon (:).

Paste Special    Asset Category register, Assets module
Range Reporting    Alpha
If you want the report to list Assets belonging to a particular Category, specify that Category here.

Select one of these options to specify whether the Assets in the report are to be listed in Inventory Number order or in Category order.

Include Inactive
Select this option if you want Assets that you have marked as Inactive to be included in the report. These Assets will be marked as "Closed" in the report.

Include Disposed
Select this option if you want Assets that you have disposed of (i.e. that you have written off or sold using Disposal records) to be included in the report.

If you have marked an Asset as Inactive and disposed of it through the Disposal register, it will only be shown in the report if you select both Include Inactive and Include Disposed.


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