Entering a Contact - Web Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Web' card of the Contact record. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

- Parent Product Category
- Paste Special
Product Categories setting, Webshop and CMS module
- If a Contact is a Customer and if you are using the Standard ERP Webshop, you can specify here that the Customer will see a list of Products belonging to a particular Product Category when they go to the webshop after logging in. Please refer to step 4 on the Customer-Specific Options (Display on the Web setting) page for more details.
- Display on the Web
- Paste Special
Display on the Web setting, Webshop and CMS module
- If you are using the Standard ERP Webshop, you can use the Display on the Web setting to specify how much information about stock levels will be shown to visitors to the webshop, which payment methods will be shown, and whether Delivery Modes will be displayed.
- If a Contact is a Customer and you specify a Display on the Web record in this field, it will control the information that will be shown to the Customer after they have logged in. You can also specify Display on the Web records at the Customer Category level. If you do not specify a Display on the Web record at the Category level or at the Customer level, information will be displayed as follows:
- Freight Code
- Paste Special
Web Freight setting, Webshop module
- Default taken from Countries setting, System module
- If you are using the Standard ERP Webshop, you may wish to define various methods that are to be used to calculate freight charges for Orders placed over the web (e.g. for local, national and international delivery). Use the Web Freight setting in the Webshop module to define these calculation methods, also known as "Freight Codes".
- When a Customer places an Order over the web, the Freight Code will be chosen as follows:
- If you have chosen in the Display on the Web record specified in the field above or in the Customer Category to which the Customer belongs or in the Webshop Company Settings setting that Delivery Modes will be displayed on the web, the Freight Code will be taken from the Delivery Mode chosen by the Customer.
- If no Delivery Modes are displayed on the web and if a Country has been specified on the 'Delivery' card of the Contact record for the Customer (i.e. as part of the Delivery Address for the Customer), the Freight Code will be taken from the record for that Country in the Countries setting in the System module.
- If a Country has not been specified on the 'Delivery' card of the Contact record for the Customer but a Country has been specified on the 'Contact' card (i.e. as part of the Invoice Address for the Customer), the Freight Code will be taken from the record for that Country in the Countries setting.
- If steps 1, 2 and 3 cannot provide a Freight Code , the Freight Code in this field will be used.
- The Freight Code will be taken from the Webshop Company Settings setting in the Webshop and CMS module (Default Freight field).
The Contact register in Standard ERP:
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