Search HansaWorld FirstOffice Start >> Transaction Registers >> Transactions Anterior Siguiente Capítulo Completo en versión p/Impresión Buscar Este texto se hace referencia a la versión del programa 4.3 Introduction In a company, all accounting events are entered as Transactions. Depending on the nature of the Transaction, this can be done directly to the Transaction register or remotely from the other transaction registers (sometimes described as 'Sub Systems').Typically, Transactions representing Sales and Purchase Invoices, Receipts and Payments will be generated remotely from the Sub System registers. Other types of transactions will be entered directly to the Transaction register: these might include bank transfers, overhead costs, salaries etc. Before you start entering Transactions, you must ensure that you have defined the current financial (accounting) year, using the Fiscal Years setting. To open the Transaction register, click [Transactions] in the Master Control panel or use the Ctrl-5 (Windows and Linux) or ⌘-5 (Macintosh) keyboard shortcuts. In the Text column you can see the short explanatory text that was entered for each Transaction. For those Transactions created from Sub Systems, the Text column usually shows details of the Customer or Supplier involved. As in other lists you can change the sort by clicking on the column headings. The current sort column is shown with its heading coloured blue. You can also scroll the list using the scroll bars. Finally, you can search for a record by entering a keyword in the field in the top right-hand corner. FirstOffice will search for the first record matching the keyword in the same column as the selected sorting order. There are four things you can do with your Transactions:
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