
Service Order Stock

This report is provides an alternative view of the records in the Service Order register to the Service Order Journal, with the emphasis on the status of any Work Orders related to each Service Order.

When printed to screen, the Service Order Stock report has Hansa's Drill-down feature. Click on any Service Order Number to open an individual Service Order record, and on a Work Order Number to open an individual Work Order record.

Service Order No.
Range Reporting    Numeric
Use this field to report on a single Service Order, or range of Service Orders.

Paste Special    Item register
This field will be used if you need to list the Service Orders that feature a particular Item.

Paste Special    Customers in Customer register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter a Customer Number (or range of Numbers) to show Service Orders relating to a particular Customer (or Customers).

Order Class
Paste Special    Order Classes setting, Service Orders/Sales Orders modules
Enter an Order Class code to limit the report to Service Orders of a single Class.

Paste Special    Object register, System module
Enter an Object code to limit the report to Service Orders of a single Object.

Planned Del.
Paste Special    Choose date
If you wish to report on Service Orders that were to be completed by a specific date (based on the Planned Del. field on the 'Date' card of the Service Order screen), enter that date here.

Use these options to determine the level of detail to be shown in the report.
This is a simple listing showing Service Order Number, Objects, Planned Delivery Date, Customer Name and Invoice To (from the field of that name on the 'Del Terms' card of the Service Order), and, for each Service Order row, the status of any Work Order that may have been generated.

In addition to the information shown above, this option shows the Service Order Date, Customer Address and Contact and, for each row of each Service Order, the Item Number and Name, Item Type, Serial Number, Work Order Number and Problem Code are shown.

Check the boxes to include Service Orders whose Work Orders are of specific types in the report. At least one option must be checked, otherwise a blank report will result.