
Entering a Work Sheet - Items Card

Use the grid on the 'Items' card to list the Items that have been used in completion of the repair and should include labour (i.e. Service Items) and spare parts (i.e. Stocked Items). Stock levels of any Stocked Items used will be amended when the Work Sheet is approved. The Items used are shown in a grid that is divided into four horizontal flips. When you click on a flip tab (marked A-D), the two or three right-hand columns of the grid are replaced.

To add rows to a Work Sheet, click in any field in the first blank row and enter appropriate text. To remove a row, click on the row number on the left of the row and press the Backspace key. To insert a row, click on the row number where the insertion is to be made and press Return.

All Items used should be linked to a Work Order Item (i.e. to an item of equipment being repaired) using the Main Serial No. field on flip B. In the case of spare parts which themselves are Serial Numbered, you will be prompted to enter Serial Numbers on flip C before saving.

Flip A

Paste Special    Item register
With the cursor in this field, enter the Item Number, Alternative Code or Bar Code for each Item used in carrying out the repair. Pricing, descriptive and other information will be brought in from the Item record. If you leave this field blank, you can enter any text in the Description field, perhaps using the row for additional comments to be printed on documentation.

Enter the number of units ordered. Press Return to calculate the Sum, and the cursor will move to the Item field on the next row.

You must specify a Quantity before a Sum can be calculated for the Work Sheet row.

Default taken from    Item
This field shows the name of the Item, brought in from the Item register. If you want to add an extra description, you can do so: there is room for up to 100 characters of text. You can also use the next line if necessary.

Unit Price
The Unit Price according to the valid Price List for this Customer is brought in. If the Customer has no Price List specified, or the Item is not on the Price List in question, the Base Price from the Item record is brought in. If there is a Price List applying to this Work Sheet, it will be shown on the 'Contact' card. This figure will include VAT (and TAX) if the Price List specified is one that is Inclusive of VAT or if you have specified on the 'Debtors' card of the Account Usage S/L setting in the Sales Ledger that Base Prices include VAT (or VAT and TAX).

If a Currency and Exchange Rate have been specified, the figure shown will be in the Currency concerned (i.e. having undergone currency conversion).

Discount percentage. If you have allocated a Discount Matrix that includes this Item to the Customer, the correct discount percentage (quantity discount) for the Item Number and Quantity will be calculated automatically. You can change to an adhoc percentage if necessary.

In the Round Off setting in the System module, you can determine whether the discount is to be applied to the Unit Price before it has been multiplied by the Quantity, or to the Sum. In certain circumstances (where there is a very small unit price and a large quantity) this choice can cause the calculated discount to vary, due to the rounding system used in Hansa. Please refer here for details and an example.

The percentage entered here can act as a discount, margin factor or markup.This is controlled using the Discount Options setting in the System module.

The total for the row: Quantity multiplied by Unit Price less Discount. Changing this figure will cause the Discount Percentage to be recalculated. This figure will include VAT (and TAX) if the Price List specified is one that is Inclusive of VAT or if you have specified on the 'Debtors' card of the Account Usage S/L setting that Base Prices include VAT (or VAT and TAX).

This figure will be rounded up or down according to rounding rules set for the Currency in the Currency Round Off setting in the System module.
Flip B
Item Type
Paste Special    Choices of possible entries
The Item Type signifies whether the Item is chargeable, under warranty or under contract, or not chargeable for reasons of goodwill.

When the Main Number is entered (see below), the Item Type is taken from the appropriate Service or Work Order row. It can be changed if necessary. Work Sheet Transactions arising from the Work Sheet will be affected by such a change, which might be appropriate if proof of warranty is produced after the Service Order and Work Order have been entered, or if a warranty claim turns out to be spurious.

You can use the Item Type '-' to signify that the Item Type is to be the same as that in the appropriate Work or Service Order row. However, if the Item Type in that Service or Work Order row is also '-', you will not be able to approve the Work Sheet. Therefore, a Work Sheet should not be created if it has not yet been established whether the repair is chargeable.

Main Serial No
Paste Special    Serial Numbers of Items on Work Order
Record here the Serial Number of the Item being repaired (referred to as the "Main" Item). An entry must be made here before the Work Sheet can be saved. The Work Sheet has already been linked to a Service or Work Order using the Work Order Number or Service Order Number fields in the header: this Main Serial Number now links each Work Sheet row to a Service or Work Order row. If there is only one row on the Service or Work Order, its Serial Number will be entered here automatically.

Once a Main Serial Number has been entered, the Item Type (above) is changed accordingly. Note that if the Item Type is '-' in the linked Service or Work Order row, the Work Sheet cannot be saved. This Item Type is used when it has not been established whether the repair is chargeable. This fact should be established before Work Sheets are created, and the Item Type should be changed in the Service or Work Order before any Work Sheets are created.

Do not use this field to record the Serial Number (if any) of a spare part used to effect the repair: the Serial Number field on flip C is provided for this purpose.

When entering more than one row to a Work Sheet, the assumption is made that the Main Serial Number is the same as used in the row above: there is no restriction on the number of rows in which a particular Main Serial Number can be used.

This field records the number of Items that have been invoiced from this Work Sheet row. The figure is updated when an Invoice is created from the Work Sheet Transaction related to this Work Sheet row, and is thus not dependent on whether the Invoice has been approved.

This field is updated by Hansa and cannot be changed.

Invoices are raised using the 'Create Invoice' function on the Operations menu of the parent Service Order.
Flip C
Serial No
Paste Special    Serial Numbers of Items in stock
If the Item used in completing the repair is one that requires Serial Numbers, they should be entered here.

Serial Numbered Items must be recorded on separate rows each with a Quantity of one. This enables the recording of separate Serial Numbers and their correct removal from stock.

If no Location is specified, the 'Paste Special' list will show the Serial Numbers of Items in all Locations, with an indication of the Location in which each Item is stored. However, if you have specified a Location in the header, only those Serial Numbers stored in that Location will be shown.

If you would like Best Before dates to be shown in the 'Paste Special' list, switch on the Show Best Before Dates option in the Item Settings setting in the Sales Ledger. Best Before Dates are entered using the Batch Specifications setting in the Stock module.

The 'Paste Special' list will not be shown if you are using the No Serial No. on Goods Receipts option in the Stock Settings setting. In this case, you must still enter a Serial Number and the Quantity must still be one, but no check will be carried out that the Serial Number you have used is valid (i.e. one that is currently in stock).

Usually, no default Serial Numbers will be offered, so you will need to enter them yourself. There is no automatic FIFO allocation.

Paste Special    Recipes setting, Stock module
Default taken from    Item
If the Item is a Structured Item, its Recipe is recorded here, brought in from the Item record. A Structured Item is essentially an Item that is assembled by your company from purchased components: its Recipe lists those components with quantities. Recipes are set up using a setting in the Stock module.
Flip D
The average FIFO unit cost of the Items on this row. This figure is brought in automatically when the Work Sheet is approved, but is only shown for Stocked Items.

The total FIFO stock value of the Items on this row. This figure is brought in automatically when the Work Sheet is approved, but is only shown for Stocked Items.

Checking this box approves the Work Sheet. When the Work Sheet is next saved, Work Sheet Transaction records will be created (one for each Work Sheet row). These will be used to create Invoices for the time spent and spare parts used. Stock levels of any Stocked Items (i.e. spare parts used) will be amended. If you have determined that cost accounting transactions (i.e. you are maintaining a stock value in the Nominal Ledger) are to be created from Work Sheets (using the Sub Systems setting in the Nominal Ledger), a stock Transaction in the Nominal Ledger will also be raised if any Stocked Items have been used in the Work Sheet. The nature of this Transaction is described on the Nominal Ledger Transactions from Work Sheets page. Please click here for a more general description of cost accounting.

Because of these consequences, once approved a Work Sheet record cannot be changed or deleted. However, the Work Sheet Transaction records can be altered before the Invoice has been created.

References in these web pages to approved Work Sheets are to Work Sheets whose OK check box has been switched on.

The VAT total for the Work Sheet.

This figure is rounded up or down according to rounding rules set for the Currency (in the Currency Round Off setting in the System module). If no Currency has been specified, or the Currency in question has not been entered in the Currency Round Off setting, the rounding rules are taken from the Round Off setting in the System module.

VAT is calculated after the Sum of each row has been rounded up or down according to rounding rules set in the Currency Round Off setting.

The total for the Work Sheet, excluding VAT.

The total for the Work Sheet, including VAT.

This figure is rounded up or down according to rounding rules set for the Currency (in the Currency Round Off setting in the System module). If no Currency has been specified, or the Currency in question has not been entered in the Currency Round Off setting, the rounding rules are taken from the Round Off setting (also in the System module).