
Revaluate Asset Acquisition Value - Example

This page contains an example to illustrate the 'Revaluate Asset Acquisition Value' Maintenance function in the Assets module.


In this example, the Revaluation Factor and Run List illustrated above will be applied to these two Assets (because they both belong to the "VEHICS" Asset Category specified in the Revaluation Run List):

The first Asset has a Purchase Date of 1st January 2022, and therefore will be revalued by a Factor of 1.5 (determined in the Revaluation Factor), while the second Asset was purchased on 1st June 2023 and therefore will be revalued by a Factor of 1.1.

When you run the 'Revaluate Asset Acquisition Value' function, enter "1/1/2024" as the Run List Date, to ensure the function will use the correct Run List. The function will create the following two Revaluation records (one for each Asset):

The new value of the first Asset will be 30000 x 1.5 = 45000, and that of the second Asset will be 37500 x 1.1 = 41250. These new values be placed in the Start. Value 1 field in the new Revaluations, and will be used as the basis for depreciation calculations the next time these are carried out. How they will be used will depend on whether you select the Start From Last Revalued Value option when calculating depreciation. Please refer to the page describing the 'Create Depreciation Simulations' Maintenance function for further details and an example.

More information about the 'Revaluate Asset Acquisition Value' function:


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